Out Of Character:
>1) how do I get started
>in the RP around here?
Just post in character messages as you see fit. This is a roleplaying board and people make up their own areas, NPCs and characters. There's no gamemaster to lead the game, everything is left to your own imagination.
>2) what sort of char can
>i be?
Any kind of character that relates to the fallout universe.
>3) how do u guys RP
>around here (ie: text, MUD,
Well, aside from people making up their own adventures there's no real roleplaying with pre-made quests yet. Roshambo is working on a fallout MUSH which will be done in approximately 6 months.
>4) when is the RP set?
>(ie: fallout1, Fallout2, in between
We haven't made any deals about that, but most people here haven't played the first fallout, so most story settings are after FO2.