Hi kids! Radiation is good!


Vault Sweeper
Board Cop oTO
I searched the web for something else, fallout-related, being either a sci-fi or atomic pulp, and eventually came across something different, yet interesting, fitting Fallout's "retro 50's" part of the setting as anything else.

1957 Atomic Revolution Comic Book

It was made on an educational propaganda perspective, don't expect much from the plot... And remember, exposing people to nuclear reactors does nothing to heal them.

The 50's drawings rule, in any case.
Here's a better link, shows all the pages laid out. (You have to scroll about half way down)

Nice Wooz. Thanks for finding it.

It's interesting to see all the things they thought the Atom was going to bring to us. Atomic planes, trains,water purification, medicine...
Found that link before, Sherlock, but thought the one I posted was better. Hah.
The 4th page is what I learn in physics :) The comics is ok but I cant read it now - my eyes hurt.
A comfortable city in Antarctica. Protected by a plastic dome. It is impossible to imagine this kind of project today.

That Biosphere 2 project does exist? or they closed it?
Biosphere 2, in Arizona? You could always visit their website Eyemaster, right here. Even if I'm just encouraging you too be lazy, perhaps some third-party will benefit.

I have a great book from the sixties, don't remember the title and I don't have it on hand, but the title is Uranium and other Miracle Metals! Perhaps I'll scan some of it in for you guys, someday.