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i'm new on this board coz i was baned on iplay fo2 board for a flame towards some iplay guy...mm, that bout it
OOC: hi i'm also new on this board and if your interested we could make a story together. Just read "The New Angels of Fire" and "A journey to NCR" Both are only about me. If you want reply to the latter you could meet me when i leave NCR. that's if your interested. it's quite hard for us new guys to get any attention.

i am quite new to this myself but i used the trick a did serach for a quite new Stora and then a opening in that.... i did find an good story but no opening for me hmmmmm what did i do? i did just make an opening it was Max and some other guy there at a canyon top planting some explosives to a bridge.... and from middle of nowere did a man come climbing up the hillside adn now i am in and kick some enemy ass and saves the NTA and the world in the same time........

And another thing...
My Character Reptile was for a long time only armed with smallarms now for a few days ago he did get his first hi-Tech weapon a Gausspistol that kicks ass but ammo is rare...... and he have been near deth a few times allready.... one time the arm was gone a Gausshot did make a hole in it but Cesar Did fix me up..... and then i did get a Bad shot in the back at the same time as will was deadly hitt in the Chest... now Arroys hope is up to smaug and Wills and my to MAx..... pretty cool....
but the thing i dont have is a
Mega-Super-pover-fucking-armorXX558865-(my most hated object in FO) and a bunch of hi tech energy weapons.... and such...... (HINT! HINT! for Fang)

ok i do understand that u want to be the mighty BOS Hero that Comes to save the day hu? and hell its fun to be a hero and this is a plase to be a hero in.....(and have fun of course) But if u think What is the fun in being nearly impossible to kill whitout an Nuclear missile.....

If u read the "The invasion of Texas pt. 0-4) and especialy the Canyon fight.... how fun would it have been if we all should have had Mega-Super-pover-fucking-armorXX558865 and Microrocketlauncherplasmalaserpulsecaselessgatligautosniperminigaussguns.......... i think it would have sucke like crushing a Ant with a bozar and poverarmor...... u get the point.... its not the Strenght,Armor,gun that makes the hero it is the WEAKNESS of him....... he shall be able to make it against impossible odds and half dead out of ammo he makes it.......

thats just my opinions of course do as u want to........

have a nice (whaterver it is for u)
Yours reptile

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Sep-30-00 AT 08:57PM (GMT)[p]Doubble F**KING POST!

If you want to insert yourself in the invasion of texas series, mind you I'm trying to bring it to a conclusion sometime soon, so don't start any new sideplots. I don't care if you show up to help us out though. Maybe you could be a CND troop who, after some soul searching, decides to join the side of good.

hey a CND solidier that goes over to our side...... hmm there is something going on in the prision..... why not use it as an opening........