Hideo Kojima


First time out of the vault
What do you guys think about this dude?

I personally appreciate his enthusiasm toward 'MOVIES', but I don't appreciate his misinterpretation of the word 'GAME'.

I mean when he made original Metal Gear 1&2, and even Metal Gear Solid 1, there were elements of game in it. But all of a sudden, I think starting with MGS 1, his games were filled with all those nonsensical settings and cutscenes. Couldn't handle MGS series starting from 2 due to cancerously long cutscenes and fantasy characters.

I mean well game is a game. So you should try to fill out those cutscenes with meaningful gameplays. I don't mean you should delete all of em, but 2+ hours on cutscenes for game is too much.

Personally think he should start retiring and move on to becoming a director. To be honest I don't get why he didn't already pursue a filming career O_O.
I always thought the action scenes were extremely well done. But yeah I agree some of that shit is way too long winded. Each game, first playthough, I'll watch them, and groan when one 15 minute scene fades to black just to load another 15 minute scene, and so on over and over.

Having said that, I think the core gameplay elements of the MGS series have steadily improved with each new game. I think the formula is best suited to an "open sandbox" type level design, which has been limited by hardware up till this generation, so what I've seen of the Phantom Boob looks really promising.

As for Kojima the man, I'm not really sure what to say about him. Maybe it's a culture thing. Perhaps he's just as passionate about making movies as he is games, even though they don't seem to mesh that well. (to non-Japanese?) One thing for sure, he's got an ego. I have no problem with that. Gaming has a shortage of "rock stars" anyway.
I don't usually mind having some lengthy cutscenes as they can be a nice breather for the player. Otherwise, yeah, the amount in his games can border on the ridiculous. The lowest amount of running time in his cutscenes has been 3 hours with MGS4 and 2 being 5 hours long. Probably why I enjoyed Peace Walker so much after coming off MGS4 since there was a lot more gameplay due to side-missions. But on the other hand, plenty of people do enjoy his games that I'm not entirely against how he approaches it. There's room for his b-schlock kind of games despite the excessive amount of cutscenes.

There's something to be said about a man with an ego who manages to have a vision for what he wants to do, and does it. Not a bad thing, and almost necessary to some extent to make things work imo. Personally, I think he would be better off making stand-alone game every time like Suda 51 normally does, or to make more adventure games like Snatcher and Policenauts.