High Res PipBoy Images


First time out of the vault
I know, this is not strictly fan art. However; it's about art.

I'm currently "guiding" a party of brave vault dwellers through the difficurties of the post nuclear world. (Read: Pen & Paper Roleplay) To bring in some more Fallout feeling, I'd like to create some new character sheets and playing cards.

I'd like to some of the PipBoy images, yet the only ones available are in a very low resolution.

Has Interplay (or one of the developers) ever released some high resolution versions of the PipBoy images?

No, it's not about "art". It's about you not finding teh pickchas in the proper resolution.

Open up Photoshop and... *gasp* change the res yourself?
As you may, or may not, be aware, all of the available PipBoy images are bitmapped graphics. That means that the image is divided into a recangular array of points, the color of these points (and sometimes, for newer graphic formats, also the alpha value) coded into a number.

While this is very convenient and easy to implement, it has one mayor drawback: if you need images with more detail or in a higher resolution (say, for print) you have to get the original source of the images. Because if you simply stretch the image in an image manipulation program (like the Gimp) all the points of the image (more exactly; their values) will be duplicated in each direction (horizontal, vertical). This does, however, not add more detail to the image. Instead the image will appear "blocky".

The resolution depends not on the logical image data but on the representation of said data. An image with 140x117 may be presented in a resolution of 72dpi (screen) or 600 dpi (printer). DPI, by the way, stands for "dots per inch", which can be interpreted as "pixels per inch" in certain cases. When presented in a 600dpi resolution however, the image will be rather small. About 1/4 of an inch in width and 1/9 of an inch in width. Not very much as you may agree.

In the special case of the PipBoy images, the pictures available are almost all from ingame screenshots in height and width of the aforenoted 140x117 pixels. Decorating my character sheets with images of 1/4 x 1/9 inch images is not very tempting.

Forgive me if I contradict your statement about this not being about art. The PipBoy images are about art. Not about fan art, though.

Many thanks!
Do you mean like the pictures that you see on the right side of the Perk description? If so, have you tried googling for "fallout perks"?
Interplay hasn't released high-res pipboy images, AFAIK.

Yes, your knowledge and observations about BMP files and resolution formats stand, unquestionably.

Nonetheless, you can always convert the images into other formats (GIF or JPEG, for instance) in a program such as Photoshop, increase the image's contrast to remove all conversion "bumps" or undesirable greyish hues of what should be white/black, increase the picture resolution and increase its dimensions.



Shibby dam dam ching?
