hmmm how about a mod that makes all evil things possible?


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
well, i know that many of you guys might find this suggestion old but is there anyone here who wants to make a F3 mod that makes many old evil deeds possible? (killings childs, important NPCs, etc.) and bringing many useless (but fun options) like prostitutions back to F3? besides from the "turn based combat" i think the only major issue that makes F3 so unwantable among Fallout fans is that Bethesda is limiting the freedom thus limiting the gameplay options and game styles. the map looks increadibly small because Bethesda is making it an open world game like Oblivion (you dont have a big ass wide map like he one you had in F2) i dare not to criticize the storyline because not much info is released about it yet.

EDIT : and remove fat man from game.
umm, read the previews--

Prostitution is in


so far everyone has been killable it seems.

so yeah if you really have an urge to wack kids....mod it
so yeah if you really have an urge to wack kids....mod it

nah im not a phsycho but just like many people i like to see the "full freedom" a game offers. i want my game to look real and i want to do everything i want in it...while facing the consequences. i mostly play good characters thou.

and i thought they mentioned prostitution was being removed from F3... and some people mentioned certain NPCs cannot be killed.

meh, maybe they were false sources.
The prostitution thing has been... semi-kinda sort confirmed-ish as in. It may just be a reviewer's idiom, though, but a recent preview seemed to say that there's a prostitute and that you "get down" (fade-to-black style) in Moriarty's place. So it may be in, or it may just be a reviewer's error, or possibly even a subtle Bethsoft PR stunt. Who knows?

Anyway: there also *may* be killable NPCs, but we honestly don't know. There haven't been any videos of it happening. Though it does seem- and again, there haven't been any videos on this, so I certainly could be wrong- that, if you attack someone in a town, the rest of the town has an "everyone ATTACK!" Oblivion-style reaction. Which may be due to the way that Bethsoft's set up their AI. Still, though, I just don't know for sure. So no flames, please.
Dear Arash:

Somehow, for one reasion or other Bethesda is unwilling to release the SDK/Map Editor/General Editor/Item Editor with the game. Tahts why there is no solid fact about how moddable the game will be. (And personally i don't really expect tools to be released before first real expansion.) Now if I was a nice person i could belive that it is hard to make the dev. tools friendly to regular users.

However they are "basically" using Oblivion engine and Oblivion's SDK could have been used with minumum modification for things like reskinning/basic item creation and similar non-invasive tasks.
The hind part of my brain (after seeing a 4.7gig oblivion game install pumped to 11.9gig modified game that is at least 2 or 3x better than vanilla game) is saying bad things like DLC! DLC!...

Just google for "the nexus" and see how the modders took the so called best rpg evar and made it shine. Hell the best mod of the game makes you start outside the dungeon so you can just skip the horrible main quest altogether (unless you get yourself thrown to dungeon :))

After all the PR dodge and hypeshow i just feel that Beth is really going to pull an Interplay in the next few years if they continue like this...
I have no doubt that they will release tools for mod's. They just can't do it at the time of release, and they dont want to give a date on when it will be done, because they dont know. They have to be able to release but protect certain things, and make sure it is easy to use and doesn't crash yet they be flamed for something else.
well, if they dont release any moding tools then they are surely ignoring the entire ol' Fallout fans and the entire Fallout community.

from the look of F3 it appears that they are trying to satisfy Oblivion costumers more than they are trying to get the old Fallout fans back. im a fan of both so i dont really get mad about this.

but seeing a perfect game getting slaughtered for another perfect game sorta makes me hate Bethesda for what they are doing.
Well, from a business model perspective, that would be the correct move.

Oblivion made a ton more money then either the FOs, probably more then both combined. Wether we like it or not, going after the fallout fan base directly, isn't exactly the best way to make a buck.

That said, I think FO3 will be a better game then Oblivion. I also don't think that there will be the sense of playing oblivion with guns, unless you really are wanting it to be there.

Wether it will be modable or not probably won't matter for me, gonna get it on PS3. But I wish all of you fine pcers the best of luck with it.
cronicler said:
Somehow, for one reasion or other Bethesda is unwilling to release the SDK/Map Editor/General Editor/Item Editor with the game. Tahts why there is no solid fact about how moddable the game will be. (And personally i don't really expect tools to be released before first real expansion.) Now if I was a nice person i could belive that it is hard to make the dev. tools friendly to regular users.
In Morrowind, mod tools came with the game. With Oblivion, Bethesda were reluctant to confirm wether or not a CS would be released. In the end, the Oblivion CS were released at roughly the same time as Oblivion.

My bet is that Bethesda are franticly finishing up Fallout 3, and when it goes into production, they will set up a team to build the public release of a Fallout CS. I imagine that the problem is not as much making the tools accessible (they use the same tools themselves), but it is removing those features that are licenced.

cronicler said:
However they are "basically" using Oblivion engine and Oblivion's SDK could have been used with minumum modification for things like reskinning/basic item creation and similar non-invasive tasks.
The formatiing of plugins are likely to be similar, but different enough to give some problems with that approach. It does, however, mean that it should be possible to adjust the community created tools for Oblivion to do similar stuff in Fallout 3.

Arash said:
well, if they dont release any moding tools then they are surely ignoring the entire ol' Fallout fans and the entire Fallout community.
Not to mention the entire TES community, many of which are interested in Fallout 3. And those that aren't may just get angry as well, in fear that it may be a trend for TES V.

There are also more positive reasons to release a Construction Set for Fallout 3. A CS is a catalyst for building a community around your game. Members of this community are much more likely to tell their friends of the great game they are modding, and are more likely to buy other games from Bethesda. On top of this, modders have many interesting ideas that can be used (shamelessly) by Bethesda for later games.
if you think about it though what kind of kid would walk the wastes alone. i mean there is a possibility but damn. i dont think i could have the heart to kill some kid trying to survive alone.

well maybe if he had a gun and was shooting me, than i would lay him out.
The new videos of the BOS show the chick leader (forget her name) standing right next to a Behemoth when the character fires a fatman at the mutant. Text appears saying she is unconscious. One of the worst elements of Oblivion IMO makes it into Fallout! Yay!
TheRatKing said:
The new videos of the BOS show the chick leader (forget her name) standing right next to a Behemoth when the character fires a fatman at the mutant. Text appears saying she is unconscious. One of the worst elements of Oblivion IMO makes it into Fallout! Yay!

That might actually be a good thing! It may mean that they are still using "essential" tags for NPC's they don't want killed. Its good because all NPC's can be easily untagged as essential making them killable and if children are set up the same way then all NPC's and kids can be made killable within 20 minutes of modding!