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Êàê âû çäåñÿ èíòåðåñíî âûðàæîâûâàåòåñü íà ÿíîñòðàííîì ÿçûêå. êðóòî. È ÿ õîöó. :)
ATTN: dims

In this board we use a language in common. It's called *english*. Although not everyone is from United States or from other country which its native language is english, it's the most understandable and the most used in the world.


PD: Congrats for DAT Explorer, although, Mod Squad's DatMan is faster and doesn't have bugs, plus you receive a full package to build dats and other applications to research and build your own programs. So, in other words, you reinvented the wheel and it was not so good like the existent one.

You can download ResDat a full DAT package for modders at:
RE: DatMan

First: Sorry for my English. I just study.
I`m looking your DatMan. VB - It not the wise decision. C++ is faster language.
My Explorer extract patch000.dat for 6 sec.
But your DatMan for 9 sec.
My program too is able creaing DAT , but I not wish insert it.
RE: DatMan

>First: Sorry for my English. I
>just study.

Hmm, I got to ask sorry too because I think I over-exalted the topic and I think I was too aggressive.

Sorry :-)

(wow, admins commits mistakes, too!)

>I`m looking your DatMan. VB -
>It not the wise decision.
>C is faster language.

New versions of the VB compiler has the same speed than C , the thing is that the DatMan engine was not correctly built up, so, the loading time of the DAT may be higher, but the exploration features are a lot faster than DAT Explorer.

>My Explorer extract patch000.dat for 6
>But your DatMan for 9 sec.

Yeah... If I quit the stupid progress bar it took from 2 to 3 seconds less to extract a whole DAT.

By the way, your Explorer takes 60 seconds to load the Critters.dat unique folder, while DatMan takes 15 seconds.
So, mathematically, DatMan is 4 times faster than DAT Explorer.

DatMan's size is 196kb, while Explorer's 700kb (almost 1mb!).

And Explorer has a bug while trying to extract to root folders (C:\, for example), it says "Cannot create output file".

>My program too is able creaing
>DAT , but I not
>wish insert it.

I continue thinking that the ResDat package is better, no offence intended.
RE: DatMan

>(wow, admins commits mistakes, too!)
yeah, and after that they get banned ny another admins ;)

~Dr. W95
the Super-Puper Admin
er, just a few words to him, don't get mad, ok, MatuX? :)

Òû ãäå øëÿëñÿ, òàê òåáÿ ðàçýòàê, !#@%%!$#!@^^$@&%^#@Q%ûé, ìû ñ Ñåðæåì óæå ðåøèëè ÷òî òû ïîä àâòîáóñ ïîïàë èëè òàì óìåð îò ïåðåâîçáóæäåíèÿ, à òû òàì ïðîõëàæäàåøüñÿ, äà åùå íà ìåíÿ íàåçæàåøü!

~Dr. W95
the Super-Puper Admin
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jul-08-00 AT 02:26PM (GMT)[p]Actually, there is something called "Respect". If I told dims to be nice and try to don't post in languages that only 1% of the Fallout community can read, it's stupid from your part to post in another language. And more as being a moderator like I am.

I just will say that.
Look, I don't want to bother anyone nor I don't wish to make anyone feel angry.

I'm just a moderator and my function is to preserve the order within this board.

If anyone of you sees that I'm doing something wrong, I have my mind completely open to receive complaints, that doesn't specifically means that I'm gonna change my acting ways, but I will reconsider my ways.