Horrible F:NV interviewers.


It Wandered In From the Wastes


Second one isn't as bad because they show some gameplay but its nothing we haven't seen except for them hitting the highest jackpot on the slot machines and getting kicked out. There are some memorable quotes from the interviewer like "its your lucky day" and "you got him good that time".
The first interviewer sounded like he had a speech impediment. Larry Liberty was a painfully better speaker.

The second interviewer sounds like he's not even into games. Again, interviewee is a better speaker, which is pretty ridiculous.
And Larry is no great speaker. Lot of 'uhs' when hes interviewed.

The online part ticked me off a little
IV"will there be any kind of online interation?"
LL"no, no online interation"
IV"well I know but like will you run into other players"

No means no you retard.
ManWithNoName said:
And Larry is no great speaker. Lot of 'uhs' when hes interviewed.

He was a million bucks compared to the interviewer. I actually had trouble understanding what the fuck the interviewer was trying to ask.
The first interviewer seems like he's buzzed/stoned, second one is "Yeah I played Fallout 3 for five minutes let's get on with this."
ManWithNoName said:
And Larry is no great speaker. Lot of 'uhs' when hes interviewed.

The online part ticked me off a little
IV"will there be any kind of online interation?"
LL"no, no online interation"
IV"well I know but like will you run into other players"

No means no you retard.

I'm pretty sure the interviewer was referring to how online worked in Fable 2. But, still. You just don't do online with the Fallout name.
DirkGently said:
Why not? VB was planned to have online co-op.

I suppose there were reasons VB failed. Perhaps attempting to add online to a Fallout games is an omen that means it is set to fail.