Horrigan's Gun


First time out of the vault
Ok, I've read in guides that by killing one of granites troopers ontop of Horrigan's corpse while in lowest violence setting, you can somehow scroll through the piled bodies to see Horrigan's inventory and get his gun. HOW do you scroll through the corpses?
when you open up the inventory to pilage the upper corpse, you get a little picture of the corpse lying on the floor, right? under that picture there should be little arrows to scroll through the corpses...
Note: The arrows ONLY appear IF you did it right and the body fell within the nessacary location.
You could just use the item editor. I haven't used it, but I'm sure there's a guide on how it works somewhere around here.
it's easy to use, just download/install/whatever it, launch it, load the last saved savegame(I sincerely hope you got more than one) and change one of the items to endbossweapon or something like that...
I believe it was endbossgun, and endbossknife, but I'm not sure. I don't like to use the editors.
I tried it out once a while back and it crashed everytime I went to shoot it, reload it, or do a full view of it.

Anyone else able to verify if it may actually work?
I'm not sure... I know you can definitely use weapons you're not supposed to, though. Autocannons are devastating, and the double-plasma rifle is... interesting.

There IS one issue I bring up, if you start a new game with the intention of cheating, and change your spear to something that the starting character model has no animation frames for, the game *Will* crash. I tried to give myself a louisville slugger a dozen times before I caught on to this. Just hold onto it until you've got the vault suit and you should be OK. I'm not sure if this is your "End-boss-gun" problem, though...
The endboss gun works perfectly with the vault suit.
It uses the big gun animation and fires either a single shot, and a 3 shot burst if I recall right.