HOT DANG!!! A new windows version of Anacreon.


Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?
I don't know if any of you guys have ever played the old dos version of Anacreon, but if you have you should definitely check this out:

I haven't tried it much yet, since I just downloaded it, and decided to come here and tell you all about it. But I did have time to notice that it's no longer ASCII, which should make the graphics bearable for people who didn't love the old game.

If anyone here was dissappointed by MOO3, this might well be the game for them.

And it's free. :D
Vaguely familiar.

I've got a lot of stuff to do, and might not get to it right away, but it's very interesting.

Thnx for linky.
You're welcome guys. It seems that the guy who made this is still hard at work to improve it, so I'm definitely going to be checking his webpage for updates.
Very cool game. I have a question tho. All my people of the worlds i conquer seem to starve, no matter how much I food I supply to the worlds there seems to die milions every turn.
Maybe they are all on the Atkins diet? Are you growing carb-rich foods?
Well, if you conquer a world with a small population, initially they wont be able to produce food enough to sustain themselves, and you have to either let them starve until production increases, or supply them with food from another planet. I suggest supplying them with food (about 500 units should be enough for planets with less than 1 billion inhabitants), because otherwise you risk rebellion.

There is an online manual for the game here:

But unfortunately it's not very detailed. I managed to find the manual for the old game, however, which is more detailed. As far as I know, the game mechanics are the same in the old and new version, but keep in mind that not all features of the old game is implemented in the new one yet.
What I dont get is supplying planets with food.
Do i make a fleet (how big doesnt matter) and order it to a supply route with this and that amount of food or do I start with a fleet with sufficient amounts of transports and fill them with food and then send them to the planet?
So far my attempts at this has been futile, the planets still starve.
I usually just fill up a fleet with as much food as it can hold and drop of 500-1000 units of food at every planet that's starving. This is usually enough to last each planet untill that planets food production is sufficient to feed all inhabitants.

I prefer to have a few large transport fleets, that I controldirectly, to having a lot of small ones, going along supply routes. This is because small fleets, without much protection, are easy targets for pirates, and because the supply route system in the windows version of the game isn't really that good yet (you can only make one-way routes).

Therefore I usually supply planets that need a resource (whether that's metal, food, trillium, chemicals or ambrosia) with as large a quantity at a time, as I can, since that means I have to make fewer trips.