How can I convert Spr2Frm in different colors?


First time out of the vault
I wanted to change the fallout 2 critters to FOT critters, and I downloaded everything what I needed: spr2frm, frameanimator etc. and worked fine, but all spr animation's colors were white: the hairs, armors etc. (white hair women in white vaultsuit..) I know the FOT has an option to colorize your character (hair, skin... ) but how can I do this changes on a spr file, before I run the spr2frm?

I downloaded the sprites creator and the Spray 1.1 (the spray chrases every time when I tried to open an spr file). So the sprites creator show the layers what I want to paint, and I exported the hair layer to bmp and painted it to blue, but when i imported it's looked like again white. I don't know how works an spr file, and why did this...

Is there anybody who can show me a program, which can do this color method? Or a source where I can download spr animations in frm format with right colors?

Sry for my bad english, I hope I was understandable.