How can I make Scripts?

Tran-Crystal Generic

First time out of the vault
Couldn't find out how to use the mapping tool (Fallout 2 Mapper) to make scripts.
I mainly want to make merchants, and have them restock.

If I'm using the wrong tool can someone direct me to one that allows me to edit/make scripts?

Thanks for Reading.
Get sfall modderspack from here:
There is a script editor inside with script compiler. It's a simple text editor with syntax highlight and ability to compile simply pressing a key.
If you want to modify existing fallout2 merchants, you need complete set of vanilla SSL sources (included with mapper) and an updated scripts (can be found in download section at NMA). You can just open appropriate SSL (they often have "box" in file name), find block with many "check_restock_item" commands (most likely in map_enter_p_proc procedure), modify to your liking and compile (you need to set compiler script path to your fallout data/scripts folder).

Making new merchant (as any new NPC with unique behavior) is more complex. Start by reading some scripting guides at and then study existing merchant scripts (and their "boxes") to get the idea.

Good luck.