How did the Cows/Brahmins survive?


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Kinda stupid question...but, it's puzzled me for a while now. Brahmins are pretty much the largest mammals that were able to survive the nuclear war...but, why only brahmins? Wouldn't it be reasonable to assume that horses would've survived as well? :roll:
I kind of agree. Doesn't make that much sense. I think the answer was time- horses might complicate things a bit too much.
Perhaps those secondary stomaches really do come in handy for survival?

It probably has something to do with the fact that humans used Brahmins as a source of nutrition rather than a method of transportation. One is simply more vital to long term survival, hence the reason why they probably still exist.
Ozrat said:
It probably has something to do with the fact that humans used Brahmins as a source of nutrition rather than a method of transportation. One is simply more vital to long term survival, hence the reason why they probably still exist.

And by the time the Great War broke out horses weren't even used for transportation any more except on a very small basis; other than that they were really more of an expensive pet. Lots more cows than horses around = cows more like to survive.

It was the cannibals! They had a taste for horses, sorry dude.

They still excist on Island where the nukes didnt completely destroy the lands.

alot of sea life shouldve survived, radiation cant break thru a certain depth of water.
There is more talk about water, radiation and sealife in this thread.

In fact, it's a good thread to read about mutated critters in general.