It Wandered In From the Wastes

One point of the Fallout Timeline that always gave me the moment of pause and had me scratching my head was how the PRC managed to launch a successful invasion of the United States.
It might have been answered somewhere in the Fallout Bible, but can anyone answer these:
Was the PLAN (Chinese Navy) a blue water fleet?
When the PLA landed in Alaska, did they have any support elements at all and if so were they of Soviet origin, or did they develop their own land force away from Soviet style technology and doctrine?
Did the PLAAF provide any air support during the conflict at all?
It might have been answered somewhere in the Fallout Bible, but can anyone answer these:
Was the PLAN (Chinese Navy) a blue water fleet?
When the PLA landed in Alaska, did they have any support elements at all and if so were they of Soviet origin, or did they develop their own land force away from Soviet style technology and doctrine?
Did the PLAAF provide any air support during the conflict at all?