How did you imagine the Commonwealth to be like in Fallout 3?


First time out of the vault
Back before Fallout 4 came out, I remember playing Fallout 3 and being intrigued by the Commonwealth and the Institute. The concept of a high-tech society outside of DC held my interest for a long time, way before Fallout 4 released. The references to a "Commonwealth Police branch" from Zimmerman made me think that the Commonwealth would be the equivalent to NCR territory back west. Even when watching the reveal trailer for Fallout 4, I theorized the colorful skyscrapers to be a "part" of the Institute, with these colorful buildings being in a walled off section of Boston, where only the best and brightest were allowed to thrive in and where the Institute would be located. Of course, now we know all these ideas were wasted or didn't reach their full potential.

How did you guys picture the Commonwealth to be like before Fallout 4?
I dont know why you would get images of NCR about Commonwealth. We have
  • One scientist chasing after runaway robots
  • One runaway robot that is used to be ex-hunter of other runaway robots.
  • One working robot being bodyguard to above scientist.
  • A gal that is supposedly from an organization, the Railroad, focus on helping runaway robot.

I am thinking of high tech slavery here, with human slave owner (and creators, sure sure) and synth as cyber slave, and various level of humans who sympathize with the slaves. A pyramid society.
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I pictured something like a WW2 POW internment camp but with Fallout's flare on it. Dunno why. But barbed wire fences, spotlights in the night, androids forced to work at all hours. Something like that.
Based on the description Zimmerman gives us, I imagined that the Commonwealth looked a lot like the Capital Wasteland, with the Institute based out of a heavily fortified MIT campus. I don’t think anyone could have predicted that the Institute was buried underground and only accessible through teleportation, mostly because why would the Institute still give a fuck about making shitty androids when they have access to such game-changing technology as teleportation?
Fuck me ! I never knew Bob Dylan was into fallout. I deffo agree with the teleportation question ;P Rocket packs are so risky, I prefer the teleportation.
I'd say it's pretty much the same as we find it in 2287! The only thing that would be different, is The Institute's presence being a whisper amongst gossipers, a rumor, a legend that people tell around the campfire.

And the citizens of The Commonwealth being less paranoid with the whole "synth replacement" stuff going on.

I'd imagine that The Commonwealth was in better shape. with law and order in place.

The story of player character began as prewar residents of Sanc Hills (Barrett's Farm?) came from an idea of Emil Pagliarulo after he visited MIT (Which becomes CIT in Fallout settings, and later The Institute) and saw its Cryogenic Lab.