Fallout 2 mod How do animated pixels work in the color.pal


First time out of the vault
I am planning on creating new scenery and object for a mod, and was wondering how animated pixels generally work. The only program that I found to even open the color.pal file was PALview and you could only just view the palette. I don't plan to make a new palette or anything, I just was wonder how I could use one of the animated colors. I read some info saying that the .exe controls those specific colors. Btw if you extract any .frm with animated pixels into Frame Animator the animated pixels just appear blank.
Animated colors are hardcoded to cycle at certain speeds to generate the illusion of directional movement. You can see the palette in action here https://fodev.net/files/fo2/fo_colors.html

To animate your FRM file you need to use these specific colors in your art and then save both the BMP/GIF/PNG and FRM files using the proper palette. I'm attaching the static and animated palettes for you here. Be careful not to use the animated one on a static art, otherwise it will probably get animated inside the game.

