How do I hex-edit Fallout 1?


It Wandered In From the Wastes
I wanted to hex-edit the GOG version of the game so that I get a perk every two levels instead of 3. How would I do this?

I usually try to be encouraging rather than otherwise, but I think you'll be much happier if you just forget about this idea. As you've presented the question, the end result seems highly implausible if not frankly impossible. Yet, if anyone else knows otherwise I'd be happy to admit I'm wrong on that count. You'd be much better off (if you've the requisite knowledge) making an "sfall" for Fallout 1-- for which you'd also be no doubt endlessly thanked by numerous persons.


Frankly I can see that it will not work as perks are only obtained from level 3 so I miss out on one, and then I have to level even further to level 4 to get my first one.
Yep....and that's the way it should be. F3 screwed the perks by giving them out like cheap trinkets. Waiting one extra level per perk isn't going to kill anyone, waiting 4 levels for a perk, well that's pretty tough, so choose carefully.