Jan 7, 2008 #1 P Prosper Where'd That 6th Toe Come From? I have a palette. FF000000 FF404040 FFFF0000 FFFF6A00 FFFFD800 FFB6FF00 FF4CFF00 FF00FF21 FF00FF90 FF00FFFF FF0094FF FF0026FF etc.... How the hell do I compile this into a .pal file? Would love to know! thnx ladies and gents!
I have a palette. FF000000 FF404040 FFFF0000 FFFF6A00 FFFFD800 FFB6FF00 FF4CFF00 FF00FF21 FF00FF90 FF00FFFF FF0094FF FF0026FF etc.... How the hell do I compile this into a .pal file? Would love to know! thnx ladies and gents!
Jan 8, 2008 #2 K Kanhef Vault Dweller I don't know if there's any program to do that automatically. You can take a look at the PAL file format and see if that helps any.
I don't know if there's any program to do that automatically. You can take a look at the PAL file format and see if that helps any.
Jan 10, 2008 #3 A Anchorite First time out of the vault Send file with palette to anchorite2001@yandex.ru. I will do PAL-file for you.