How do people aim big guns/energy rifles/etc?


First time out of the vault
I mean look at the way they hold them and the way they shoot.

Its ridiculous.

How is it possible for them to aim like this?They just sorta fire it at the hip.And the plasma/las/pulse rifles are so ridiculously oversized normal people will find it a pain to hold them for any longer period of time.They are more like canons than rifles really.
A human being also can't fire a Minigun in real life unless it's mounted on something, but this is a game based on 50's science fiction. I think the producers of the game are allowed a little artistic license.
With energy weapons, you sorta have a "tracer" effect, so you can see where the rounds are going. Also, there shouldn't be any real recoil with plasma/laser weapons.
As for the minigun, I'd have to agree with calculon00.
Maybe they have some sights on the top of the gun where you have to look down on it to aim properly?
The only reason you just see hip-fired guns is the same reason as you don't see them proning, crouching, and stuff, because the dev's didn't want to take the time to make all those frames. Its really time-consuming, and they're not nessaceary. The big guns are really oversized, but that's just for the look of it, and because they used the flame-thrower model when they rendered the frames for big guns(and the flame thrower is really big). One thing that's kind of wierd though, is why they used the big gun frm's for the laser rifle when it should have had a rifle frm, since you can clearly see in the inventory that the laser rifle is a modified sniper rifle...

just my two cents :)
Not going to say it. Not going to say it.

My thoughts are...Who really cares? We're talking about a game in which 6' 7 soldiers can fit through doors without ducking and are all female. Seriously, do you really think the Enclave is made up of that many girls?
octotron said:
With energy weapons, you sorta have a "tracer" effect, so you can see where the rounds are going. Also, there shouldn't be any real recoil with plasma/laser weapons.
As for the minigun, I'd have to agree with calculon00.
With laser weapons there would be no recoil, but shouldn't the plasma weapons have recoil?
The answer is simply that they figgured out that they could use the flamethrower animation for everything from MMGs to laser rifles. Changing it would change the way super mutants use weapons since they only have frames for the large weapons, and so on. It's dissapointment along the lines of when I took "Bruiser" just to see my character with the "Casino Bouncer" model, which of course he never had. *That* game didn't last long! Anywho, I've noticed one thing in the Enclave; a few soldiers shoot with pulse rifles but use the animation frames for a slugthrower rifle. I've picked up their rifles, but they use the "Heavy gun" animations for me... what's up with this!
I know perfectly well people fire machine guns on the move in real life,but they dont do it with any semblance of accuracy.
I'm also quite ticked that most of the rifles in the game all look identical.

Shotgun - Rifle FRM.
Double Barred Shotgun - Rifle FRM.
Assualt Rifle - Rifle FRM.
Hunting Rifle - Rifle FRM
Combat Shotgun - Rifle FRM
Sniper Rifle - Rifle FRM
Pipe Rifle - Rifle FRM
Daisy Rifle - Rifle FRM
Daisy SE Rifle - Rifle FRM

Wow, 10 guns look exactly the same!

Dark Legacy