How do you Ban weapons in Multipalyer?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brak
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hell I can't even figure out how to play in multiplayer. it takes forever to get into a room, then when I'm in I get killed.
whooopeeee, funn! :)
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON May-02-01 AT 10:58PM (GMT)[p]I don't know how to do this for certain, but I remember there being a text file somewhere in one of the .bos files that had a list of multiplayer items.

Yeah, it's in entities_0.bos, and the file is Mutiplayer Items.txt (You can open the .bos file in WinZip, in case ya didn't know)

I'm guessing you just modify it to your taste, and then put it in a core\tables directory.

but don't hold me to that, I haven't even tried it and I don't even really know what I'm talking about. lol

I haven't even played multiplayer yet. :o
People are expected to be honest when playing MP. For those commonly banned items, you can tell if they are using them either by there animation or there damage. Bring a guy with Awareness will also help.

So far I haven't met too much lammers in this game.