laclongquan said:
WalMart is distribution, isnt it? Not manufacture. They can distribute but as long as they cant make new, ammo will run out in time.
Hand-made? An intriguing idea and not that impossible. Still, if you mean hand-made as refilling by manual machine (I understand there's a kind of small portable machine for that) it's still limited by the spent cartridge and powder. the problem of manufacture new powder and cartridge is not solved. And if you mean they also attempt to make those two things by hands, well, It will naturally lead to factory.
Of course, the question still remain: WHere is that factory? Where is the mine that will provide materials for that factory?
First off, I'd like to say. Orion 2 kicks ass Grizzly ^,,^
We don't use black powder anymore. We've been using smokeless powder.
(pulled this from wikipidia since no one else will put up their stuff: )
* Propellants:
o Nitrocellulose, an energetic component of most smokeless propellants
o Nitroglycerin, an energetic component of double-base and triple-base formulations
o Nitroguanidine, a component of triple-base formulations
* Plasticizers, to make the grains less brittle
o Dibutyl phthalate
o Polyester adipate
o Dinitrotoluene (toxic, carcinogen, obsoleted)
* Binders, to hold the grain shape
o Rosin
o Ethyl acetate
* Stabilizers, to prevent or slow down self-decomposition
o Diphenylamine
o 2-Nitrodiphenylamine
o 4-nitrodiphenylamine
o N-nitrosodiphenylamine
o N-methyl-p-nitroaniline
* Decoppering additives, to hinder the buildup of copper residues from the gun barrel rifling
o Tin metal and compounds, e.g. tin dioxide
o Bismuth metal and compounds, e.g. bismuth trioxide, bismuth subcarbonate, bismuth nitrate, bismuth antimonide; the bismuth compounds are favored as copper dissolves in molten bismuth, forming brittle and easily removable alloy
o Lead foil and lead compounds, phased out due to toxicity
* Flash reducers, to reduce the brightness of the muzzle flash
o Potassium nitrate
o Potassium sulfate (both have a disadvantage - production of smoke)
* Wear reduction additives, to lower the wear of the gun barrel liners USA 16"/50 (40.6 cm) Mark 7
o Wax
o Talc
o Titanium dioxide
o Polyurethane jackets over the powder bags, in large guns
* Other additives
o Graphite, a lubricant to cover the grains and prevent them from sticking together, and to dissipate static electricity
o Calcium carbonate, to neutralize acidic decomposition products
Given you don't need everything in that list. But you can see how you can make some of this yourself with a little knowledge about chemistry. Few of those ingredients would be hard to get in the world of fallout. Even the mechinery at most could be a rotating drum or a simple extruder.
Biggest problem is actually the brass. Even reloaders need to buy new brass eventually. Inside a gun the brass gets expanded from it's original size then shinks back as it cools. Eventually the brass will be too weak to be reloaded.
That said, to make brass cheaply and easily all you need is an extruder. Same goes for bullets.