How do you think the apocalypse would be... by analyzing pop-culture depictions


Actually a sentient CRT
raider warlords. Crossbows. Miniature crossbows you can put on your wrist. Cars made out of junk. Football gear and chains! Cannibalism! You know, Mad Max shit. Cool shit. Stylish shit.

But how realistic is this sort of stuff? Like, raider warlords taking power and abusing survivor communities. Does that make sense? The disappearance of the gun and the proliferation of crossbows. Or are guns too common and ammo to easy to make? Or cannibalism, like we see in tons of post-apo media... but is food too easy to come across or make?

In short, what is realistic and probable and what makes good entertainment.

I will say this much definitely: CRT monitors would be way more common post-apocalypse. LED and plasma screens are way too fragile to survive the elements, whereas a okay CRT is pretty much a brick of glass and electronics, surrounded by a chassis of plastic.
More than likely the Post Apocalypse would look more like the Former Yugoslavia after it's conflict, Iraq between OIF 1-3, or present day Somalia, Liberia or Afghanistan.