How does the engine use critter FRMs/check for FRMs


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
I was wondering if a critter doesn not have a certian FRM file allocated to it, such as Horigan running, does it need to be scrippted to say "he cant run" or does it automaticaly disable him running because there is not FRM.

The same would go for any of critters from FOT converted into FRMs for Fallout 2, as there is not flame thrower sequences availble. I think if I really wanted to I could poissbly make a new FRM for the flammer (but its to much work at the moment). But do I need to script it so that if the PC is using armour from FOT that he cant use the Flammer?
I'm currently assuming that if the running sequence is missing it won't make the critter run. Similarely if the animation isn't supported by a sprite, the game won't make an entity try to pickup and wield a weapon it can't "render".

I might be all wrong about those assumptions though.
Hargh, this reminded me of something. Check critters.lst. There are two number after each "prefix". I'm really at a loss as to what those mean as it's been way too long but I remember finding SOME documentation about it somewhere... Sorry I'm not much more help right now.
Maybe if an frm cannot be found, the critter appears to be invisible. I saw that in FO, it's obviously missing an frm for one kind of Mutants when they have no Big Gun. (I don't know if anyone else here had this Problem...) They only become visible if they get their Weapons...
There were the "night kin" mutants which were semi-transparent/invisable due to having "stealth boys"

I have noticed that is the critter does not have a FRM it wont just wont let me use that weapon (just tested this last night
NightKins are just leather-suited mutants with one of the transparancy flags set.
Wild_qwerty said:
There were the "night kin" mutants which were semi-transparent/invisable due to having "stealth boys"

I have noticed that is the critter does not have a FRM it wont just wont let me use that weapon (just tested this last night
No, I don't mean the Nightkin. The Mutants I mean were really invisible.
And in the European Version of Fallout, they just removed the frms for the children and they became invisible. They are still there but you can't see them