Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

I was wondering if a critter doesn not have a certian FRM file allocated to it, such as Horigan running, does it need to be scrippted to say "he cant run" or does it automaticaly disable him running because there is not FRM.
The same would go for any of critters from FOT converted into FRMs for Fallout 2, as there is not flame thrower sequences availble. I think if I really wanted to I could poissbly make a new FRM for the flammer (but its to much work at the moment). But do I need to script it so that if the PC is using armour from FOT that he cant use the Flammer?
The same would go for any of critters from FOT converted into FRMs for Fallout 2, as there is not flame thrower sequences availble. I think if I really wanted to I could poissbly make a new FRM for the flammer (but its to much work at the moment). But do I need to script it so that if the PC is using armour from FOT that he cant use the Flammer?