"How GTA change everything... and How Fallout changes your m

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Well, Odin ask me to move this so here i come.....
(Oh yeah! You could delete my old one. Thanks bud...)

Hey guys, first i wanna post this in Fallout Suggestion and Idea forum but somehow this place seems more appropriate....
It's about people who post here and speak about "Fallout as FPS" (I wonder what will happen to people who post "Fallout as On line FPS for PS-2? Just joking guys!!)

Well, i interview some people i knew who plays Fallout and Fanatics in RPGs. Well some of them (a lot should i say...) had played GTA-3 and said: "After playing GTA-3 and play Ice Wind Dale, the game seems....well.... I think they should make Fallout 3 and Ice Wind Dale like GTA. Why not suggest that to the NMA? You have an account there right?"
My reply were: "Hell no!!!! The guy there will kill me!!! You do that!!! I won't responsible for that!!!"
Well if someone post that in Forum, heh...heh...heh..., say hello for him from Mr. Bhass........
Well i wouldn't suggest about Fallout as FPS (since Odin will kick me from this forum and I must make a new account here. Is "The Real Mr. Bhass" sounds nice?) but this game called GTA has change anyone mind. Since they like GTA then they tought "Hey, why not they made anything like this! Change all to FPS or third person then it will be nice...."
Then perhaps Interplay would say "Whew! That's a good idea. Let's make what peoples want..." (I believe Interplay wouldn't do this.. Pleaseeee!!!!)
Then couple of month later the same guy says, "Damn! This Fallout 3 is another crap!!! Let's play another RPG."
Well they thing if one thing good for A GAME then it MUST BE GOOD FOR OTHERS. The answer is no!!!! I think this is one of a reason people suggest fallout like GTA-3. with full 3-D blah...blah....blah third person or First Person... Didn't they learn from history or sumthing? Also about those guy who plays Final FAntasy, baldurs Gate and other RPG and somewhat like that think that if this thing good for this RPG it must be fine for FAllout. Myself? I like Chrono Trigger but if they made FO3 like this! It's another piece of junk!! Make FO3 like Fallout!! The End.
So guys, remember if someone post "Fallout like GTA" or "Fallout FPS" here, i believe he is just a kid who don't know anything about Fallout. And spare him. Don't kill him before i kick his A@# first..

Another thing, since Big Fat Mama can't play his Fallout in his home (check the Tech Assistant Forum) i suggest to lend his FO2 to another friend, a Final Fantasy player. Well since he used an old Pentium PC and most of the game here for current PC BFM lend it to him while he think "What's wrong with my Fallout."
Well what he say is " I never feel like this when playing Final Fantasy!!! This is a good game!!! THe Best!!! Are there any Fallout3? Where could i buy one? (unfortunately they didn't sell FO and FO2 anymore here. And on line buy to my country somehow embargoed, thanks to those crooks who bought something on line and never pay that!!.)
And knew what his say next? "Let's make another new FAllout Website!! And fill it with Art and comics. Let's call it "Nuka Cola" or something."
Well, wish me and BFM that this thing could be done soon.....

Well guys, do you still feel we should make FPS Fallout? or Final FAntasy Fallout? Or Baldur's gate Fallout? or another blah..blah..blah mambo jambo Fallout?
Well, think about that man.... Fallout is fallout not others...

Oh yeah, if you ask me... I agains't all above (the GTA-fallout or etc...)
RE: "How GTA change everything... and How Fallout changes yo

Only problem with GTA3 being, hey, that you can't aim for brahmin poop....

It's too damn arcadey.