How I found this place...


First time out of the vault
...It started in 199-something. I had a CD-ROM from a magazine and on it was a video of an up and coming game called Fallout. I wasn't all that thrilled about the top-down interface, in fact I wasn't even marginally impressed. I did like the blood and the flame thrower. Then later I kept seeing the picture of the man with the gas mask in gaming mags, and kept wondering what it was all about.

In 2001 while I was working the graveyard shift at Target, I saw this Dual Pak CDROM (I had bought one a year earlier with Septerra Core and Shogo MAD, then FreeSpace/FeeSpace 2) of Fallout/Fallout 2. It was 10$. I recalled the game I had read about, and recall reading how many players lauded it for being a true Role-playing game. I grew up with Dungeons and Dragons and Final Fantasy , so I love RPG games. So I plunked down my 10 and bought it. Now mind you I could have done it just because of the price (I recently bought a copy of Neverwinter Nights from Target for 7$), but I have played it and I really enjoy the game, especially the music. Anyway, I enjoy it because I am having fun, and I like how your actions dictate your fate (I have a good character, Sparkey Dol, and an evil character, the default Natasha) and it's just fun. But what I really like about the game, is the fact that it was originally a 2D DOS game. I am old well to you guys I would be old, 35. I recall the days of DOS, and the games that came from that Era.

Era? hmf.


Sanitarium is another 2D game , as is E.G.G for Dreamcast. 2D games are an art form that will never be forgotten by gamers like me.

I'm glad I bought Fallout and Fallout 2, and was saddened at hearing that Black Isle is gone. Interplay's web site is not responding to URL I think there will not be a Fallout 3. If so, I hope it remains 2D.

The Old Guy, Black
This should have gone into "how did you discover Fallout". Oh well. :)

It's better than FF eh.

A 3D Fallout wouldn't be that bad, as long as the general feel was kept similar. Ooops wrong topic again. Recommendations about a possible Fallout 3 also have there own forum.

Take a good look around at all the forums here, you won't regret it!