How ironic

Some of the response comments are really well thought out.

Essentially, its a lose-lose situation.

Bought reviews, or no reviews.
The gaming industry is simply all about money now. Granted, it is a business, but artistry has definitely taken a back seat to the almighty shekel.
The capitalistic marketing machine at work again.

First it promotes wonderful business, then it crushes it under its own greed.
So, basically, the journalists are immoral whores and game industry is a bunch of ruthless fucks that enjoy employing intimidation, manipulation and don't care for players as long as they pay money?

That fucking sucks :| .
I did -not- say "Ugly", I said, "Not handsome."

Haha, I liked his title for part II.

I simply skimmed through the article, so I may have missed a few crucial points. The captain did sum up pretty well why (p)reviewers, especially those that advertise the games, will not give those same games a bad (p)review. It's all about the money.
Too bad this site didn't have a Fallout 3 preview, I want to see how it stacks up compared to this article. The first part of this article is pretty unforgiving, basically saying publishers/reviewers scratch each-other's back. The second part seems to be his way of saying, "If I don't like a game, go fuck yourself. You should have made a better one if you wanted a more favorable review."
I also liked his closing statement: may be inclined to agree with the manufacturers that are ranting, “You guys haven’t a clue about what you’re writing about!” Fine. You’re entitled to your opinion, and in the forums you can even say so out loud and publicly; we welcome the input and discussion. But also be very cautious about how much you agree with the manufacturers. Do you really agree with their assertion, implied or otherwise, that they should have control of what is said about their products?

Do you always listen to salesmen? Only if you were born 2 weeks ago. Always check outside reviews before buying anything.
Yep, they are no longer independent/non-biased organizations tht want to provide the buying public with truthful and accurate previews/reviews.

Sad times. Sad times indeed.
Sorrow said:
So, basically, the journalists are immoral whores and game industry is a bunch of ruthless fucks that enjoy employing intimidation, manipulation and don't care for players as long as they pay money?

That fucking sucks :| .

Being a whore is the only way to make money, otherwise you go out of business :P

This is also the case with the news.

Information business is a shitty business.