How to activate the bot in Sierra Army Depot?


First time out of the vault
About that bot on level 3, I just refilled it with the biogel, putted a brain (speaking of brains, what´s the diferrence between the human, chimpazee, and abnormal brain?) in it, and when I went to the pc that asked me to activate the bot it says "error dowloading file corrupted!" How can I activate this bot?
garashta said:
speaking of brains, what´s the diferrence between the human, chimpazee, and abnormal brain?

Nothing, hey all suck :D You need to get the Cybernetic Brain for the bot to run at best efficiency.

I think if you have a human brain, it doesn't level up, if you put chimpanzee, you can only let it know to stay and follow you and with the abnormal you can't communicate. I don't know for sure, as I've always gotten the best One111!11

Also, you'll need a motivator to put in the bot, you must kill a similar bot in the base in order to get one.

You activate the bot not from the SkyNet terminal (which will tell you it's corrupted) but from the computer by the construction bay with the robot's body.
And where can I get this cybernetic brain? And is there any way to kill another bot (in order to get a motivator) without having all base´s bots as enemies?
garashta said:
And where can I get this cybernetic brain? And is there any way to kill another bot (in order to get a motivator) without having all base´s bots as enemies?

a) Same place as the other brains, but you need very high Science (the game will have told you that you couldn't save all the brains). b) Yes, you can fight them on one level at a time.
This is what i did : go in,guns blazing,shoot up all the bots i could for the exp

-Go to skynet

-Tell skynet to "bring it on" when he threatens you with the robots that you already killed

-Fix the bot up with the cybernetic brain,bringing it outside,where he promptly does the whole "skynet is free!your purpose is at a end!" thing and attachs me with his arms

-Skynet dies.
Congratulations, you just pointed out what to do if you don't want Skynet as an NPC (if you lie to it or threaten it, it will attack as soon as you leave the base. It'll also off one of your other NPC's)
Is the Skynet robot any worth?

I don´t really see any good use for the skynet robot (the one that u get at sierra army depot), he sucks in combat, he is slow moving (wich is annoyng) , but it seems hes good at science... But, In order to get this bot, u need to be good at science!! (more than 100%!!) so, if u are already good at science, WHY ON EARTH WOULD U WANT THIS BOT?
P.s.: I´m considering the bot to have the cybernetic brain, it stinks too much with the other brains
I had dogmeat with me but he didnt die(probably because of the car npc bug).So skynet just auto-kills one of your NPC?
Per Wrote:
If you manage to piss off Skynet (by telling it you're Dixon or being sarcastic) and then use the Cybernetic Brain on the robot, it won't thank you. Once you exit the depot it will kill one of your other NPCs instantly (but not Marcus, Goris or any dog), then attack. If you assemble the bot before talking to Skynet at all then it will be friendly, even if you had triggered the alarm on level 3. Evil Skynet will join you over the party limit.

So you must've pissed him off.
Per Wrote:
If you manage to piss off Skynet (by telling it you're Dixon or being sarcastic) and then use the Cybernetic Brain on the robot, it won't thank you. Once you exit the depot it will kill one of your other NPCs instantly (but not Marcus, Goris or any dog), then attack. If you assemble the bot before talking to Skynet at all then it will be friendly, even if you had triggered the alarm on level 3. Evil Skynet will join you over the party limit.

Here, I highlighted the actual answer :D
Some said that particular information was too obscure to belong in any walkthrough.

They're not laughing now!
Skynet is very useful, heavily armoured and packing guns.

Want to know?

War never change
Silencer said:
Skynet is very useful, heavily armoured and packing guns.
Heavily armored? It cannot use any armor, and its "natural armor" is bad if any. And it moves DAMN SLOWLY.
Skynet was one of my mainstays. He could fire twice with a Gauss rifle! The only NPC that can, I believe. Deadly in combat, he is well worth the effort to acquire.