How to BoS+NCR (some spoilers)


First time out of the vault
How do i get the BoS to ally up with NCR? I have done alot of BoS quests and have become a paladin, but have not yet seen the option to get the BoS to ally up with NCR, will this option appear later?
Yes, when you ally yourself with NCR by the endgame.

[spoiler:14754527f8]They'll give you the quest to "deal" with Brotherhood. Which means destroying it. If your reputation with BoS is high enough, there will be an option to speak with the elder (IIRC if you left McNamara as the elder) to ally with NCR. It will negatively influence your reputation with NCR tho'. But not significantly, so you can do it.[/spoiler:14754527f8]