HOW to change armor image lenny and miria in RP


First time out of the vault
..... sorry My english skill is bad.. but i did my best
may be look like intelligence 1's fall out character.

but i want to change miria and lenny's armor look..
i gave them power armor but they didn't change in RP..

how to change them? editor or something..
i want to change them like original FALLOUT2
ex) miria + jacket = jacket girl
+ iron armor = iron armor girl
+ combat armor = combat armor girl
+ power armor = power armor
lenny + jacket = jacket man
+ iron armor = iron armor man
+ combat armor = combat armor manl
+ power armor = power armor

please help me! sulik and vic and cassidy's skin is amazing but miria and lenny make me sad. i want to see change their look
Lenny is a ghoul, not a human, unfortunately there is no armored ghoul character in the game, and using a human critter is wrong IMO.

As for Mira, someone will need to change the script for her, but the animations of the mow-hawk girl with all armors aren't finished yet, so it won't happen for a while yet, sorry.

You will just have to accept them as they are...
If you want to replace these characters with the hero critter, than you need to ask a scriptor to help...Nirran is pretty good at this sort of stuff. Sorry I can't help. :(
Well, Miria Mod for RP makes her appearance change after wearing different armor types.

As for Lenny: It would look bad, if he suddenly became human after wearing an armor.