I'm using the hs_deathanim2 hook script to change the death animations for melee weapons.
But since that script doesn't validate the animation, I need to check if the dying critter actually has the animation art (robots, for example, don't burn to death).
I'm doing something like this in the script:
where target is the critter pointer. But it's not working.
Anyone got any ideas why?
If it isn't obvious what I'm doing, I'm inserting the code for the animation (in this case 0x1C) into the corresponding bits of the critter's FID, according to this article: http://falloutmods.wikia.com/wiki/File_Identifiers_in_Fallout
The result should point to this death animation for that critter, but I guess maybe that's not how you're supposed to do it?
But since that script doesn't validate the animation, I need to check if the dying critter actually has the animation art (robots, for example, don't burn to death).
I'm doing something like this in the script:
if (target == dude_obj or art_exists((obj_art_fid(target) bwand 0xfff0ffff) bwor (ANIM_sliced_in_half * 0x10000))) then begin
where target is the critter pointer. But it's not working.
Anyone got any ideas why?
If it isn't obvious what I'm doing, I'm inserting the code for the animation (in this case 0x1C) into the corresponding bits of the critter's FID, according to this article: http://falloutmods.wikia.com/wiki/File_Identifiers_in_Fallout
The result should point to this death animation for that critter, but I guess maybe that's not how you're supposed to do it?
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