How to Enable the Post End Game: No Game Mods Must Read


First time out of the vault
this is the procedure I followed to attain post-end game play, some of these steps might be unnecessary so if you find a more efficient approach drop a comment

1. Own your way through the final mission of the game.  Collect stuff as if you will be able to profit later, because you will!

2. Right before you complete the mission but after you get nice loot bring up the console command prompt with '~'.

3. Enter the following: Player.moveto <refid>
where refid is the reference id of some living NCP outside of the Hoover Dam area.  ie. 000ff268

4. clear the quest with the following console command: resetquest <quest_id>
to find your particular final mission quest id search around the fallout wiki pages

5. bring up the prompt again and enter the following: enablefasttravel 2

6. exit the prompt with '~'

7. bring up the prompt and enter: enablefasttravel 1

8. you can now finish the rest of the game and fast travel

9. each time you zone or fast travel you will have to: enablefasttravel 1, again but this is easy just press '~' then the up directional arrow if you have already entered the command, and then '~' again.

** notice: I have only tried this with the Yes Man track
I have done it like this:

After the message came that the end battle follows soon, I saved my game and have done the battle. After I finished the game, I've reloaded my savegame and continued running around.
Yeah but.

You loose all of the xp, gear, and karma from doing the mission. At least this way you can get the "Sword of the East" and "Legate's Helmet". Of course you could just give yourself those items but the battle is more fun in hard mode.