How to get Colin Moriarty's key? (Megaton)


First time out of the vault
I got a hint from Jericho that Moriarty keeps all his money near his bed; I've found a Very Hard locked cabinet near his bed that seems to fit the description. How do you get his key? I can't pickpocket him no matter what I do (he always notices), and he never sleeps so I can't get it off of him when he sleeps. Of course I could just shoot him, but then I'd probably have to kill everyone in the bar!

Thanks, but he doesn't sleep!

That's the problem. If he slept, I could probably pickpocket him, but he doesn't. I've dropped by his bar via the locked back door at all hours of the day, and he's always awake, standing in the same place. Has anyone else experienced differently?
Actually I killed him...because with Simms dead everyone said he was in charge. [spoiler:463153d3d8] Guess what? Beth did a decent job, with him dead a few days later everyone one wasn't mad anymore and said well with both simms and mort dead i guess no one is in charge. [/spoiler:463153d3d8] huzza for thinking things through. Oh also you'll need to be fast and tough at a low level to take out certain people just for doing it. I killed him and ran out of town, about 36 hours later no one was upset and I came back.
you can steal from him...

There is a thing called stealth-boy. I have found it very early in the game. This thing renders you invisible even if in daylight. It brings all the sneaking related skills to maximum. Event you can not see yourself (your hand with the gun in first person mode).

I used this to steal the key and I was successful at my third attempt. The thing is that I have heard of a bug where sometimes the key is not there or the key you find does not open anything....
So depends on the luck, maybe, however I would not trouble too much about it since its not a lot of caps in there...
Where's exatly that secret stash (screenshot would be great) and what exactly contains guys? I discovered only locked cabinet where I found combat shotgun & ammo ://