Hello Donald
1rst thing, no need of another tools than the mapper to make what you want.
A mapper correctly set.
If you understand a little bit the Molière Langage, I send you to my forum:
If not, I will translate in the day my french topic.
You must extract the file items.lst in your X:/programs files/blackisle/fallout2/data/art/items/ (with datexplorer for exemple).
Extract the other file items.lst dans data/proto/items/
You must have create a independant directory in the same drive you install your game at the root of the hard disk like:X:/fallout2/dev/proto/items
You must modify the .cfg of the mapper, putting value "1" to the line:
Librarian=0 (it must become librarian=1)
Launch the mapper.
-Go to items menu or push F1 key
-Go at the end of the items menu (press end key of your keaboard to win time), select the new empty free blue box after the last item you see and press the edit button, or the "E" key
-A new window open, like the next picture.
Choose the look of your weapon and the floor on the upper right part.
It's not yet a weapon, but a standard item, so define it his new function by clicking "type" button like the next pic.
A new windows 'll open and you 'll be able to choose weapon type.
It's now a weapon.
Set the differents setting of you weapon in the new board on the lower right part of the screen.
Flags:to set one or two handed weapon
Anim Code : To set the anim type of your guy when he 'll hold the weapon.
Damage min: No comment
Damage max: No comment
Max range 1 et 2 : No comment
Proj PID: The animation type for a specific ammo like plasma throw knife, etc,etc...
Min ST: minimale Strenght
MPCost 1/COST2 : Action Point the weapon cost in normal in precise shoot.
Crit Fail
Calibre: No comment
Ammo PID: Viewing of the ammo in the game.
Max ammo: No comment
Sound Id: No comment.
Then you set the image you 'll have in inventory and hand by cliking
A windows pop and you can choose the visual you want in the inventory.
Choose it and validate.
And it's done
Hopig it'll help you.