How to modify Entity (mutants) Race Type stats?


Still Mildly Glowing
Is there a way to modify the Race Type (which can be selected in the Entity Editor or the Mapper) statistics like Armor Class, HP and so on? I'd like to decrease a bit AC for mutants because it's
ridiculously high in my opinion. Can it be done utilizing the Fallout Tactics Scripting Engine (FTSE) for example?
Thx for help and suggestions in advance.

I'm talking about Race Type Parameter intentionally because it HAVE to modify(increase) the values of some entity parameters like AC cause in the Entity Editor mutants AC value is ONLY 5(!) which is absolutely inconsistent what is really while in the game!
Hum, I'm quite sure you could edit those with FTSE yes using SetAttribute() after checking for the race. Unfortunately, if you go in core/tables/races.txt, you can only edit the min. and max. main stats, the punches stats, skill related to punches and some other minor stuff. I also checked in the super mutants entities directly to see if their AC was edited per entity, but it seems not.
Hum, I'm quite sure you could edit those with FTSE yes using SetAttribute() after checking for the race. Unfortunately, if you go in core/tables/races.txt, you can only edit the min. and max. main stats, the punches stats, skill related to punches and some other minor stuff. I also checked in the super mutants entities directly to see if their AC was edited per entity, but it seems not.
Thx for help.
Do You maybe know which table (ACTOR_TABLE_PERM, ACTOR_TABLE_DERIVED, ACTOR_TABLE_TEMPORARY, or ACTOR_TABLE_CURRENT) i have to use as a second parameter for SetAttribute() to get the AC value?
Thx for help.
Do You maybe know which table (ACTOR_TABLE_PERM, ACTOR_TABLE_DERIVED, ACTOR_TABLE_TEMPORARY, or ACTOR_TABLE_CURRENT) i have to use as a second parameter for SetAttribute() to get the AC value?

Oh yes, I tested those quite a lot.

ACTOR_TABLE_CURRENT = Used mostly to check for the updated score, AFTER all possible ajustments to it, like temporary boost from armor, etc. I don't think it is wise to use this to SET a value.

ACTOR_TABLE_PERM = This is the one you need to set. It will be considered as a permanent scrore on the character sheet, like the number of times you have one particular perk. Be prudent if you try to edit the skill points per level though, the character sheet will update correctly, but I had reports from players that it did not work to give the appropriate points, so I disabled playing with this attribute completely for my mod.

ACTOR_TABLE_TEMPORARY = From Melindil's words, it is almost or even never used by the game, so it can by used to store variables instead. For example, how many times a character have received a particular stat boost. I use the ACTOR_TABLE_TEMPORARY attributes of many traits and perks to script other stuff. So yeah, never check or use those, except for ANOTHER task completely. :P

ACTOR_TABLE_DERIVED = Not sure exactly what is the use of this one...