How to play Fallout on Windows 2000


First time out of the vault
Hi to all,
i installed Fallout recently and i enjoy playing. One night, i was ready to leave Junktown and bam, crash to desktop with message about some illegal performed action. I couldn't find solution on this forums but i've found that there are more points wich could crash me to desktop.
Well, i found sollution.

First, i've manualy installed Fallout for Windows (the largest one). Applied a patch and played until that crash. What now? Here's what:

Install version for DOS in different folder (smallest size). Normaly, this is imposible to do but there is program called VDMSound wich emulates DOS enviroment (it's great for many old games). You can find it here: Also, you need update for this program and GUI wich can be found somewhere on this site (go to FAQ).

Turn on "Basic VESA support" and it'll work. As i know, it's not possible to smootly run DOS version. It's slow and sound is bad. So, now you have two versions of Fallout, one will crash on certain point and other is to slow. Get a patch for DOS and patch for windows. Play Windows version and save before exiting Junktown (or other point wich can crash). Exit the game and copy all files from DOS folder except .cfg. Apply DOS patch, enter game, load your saved game, exit Junktown, go to some other city, save and exit. Apply windows patch and continue playing windows version.


Have fun
I run windows 2000 and I would like to play Fallout but I had trouble reading all that technical jargon. Can you explain how I can play Fallout for windows 2000?
Read the stickies. Go do it now, don't come back until you did. And don't gravedig.
There's something in there about posting enough information for anyone to be able to help you. Funny idea, huh?
Maior said:
k, I did read the stickies, but there's nothing in them about Windows 2000
Either you have severe reading problems or are just trying to be annoying. Other than the fact that we still haven't seen a description of your problem, we haven't seen anything from you about what you've tried, what your system configuration is or *any* of the things the stickies tell you to post.

With every one of your posts except these two in the vats, this is your last chance. One more gravedig, useless post or post without reading the stickies and you're banned.