How to prevent infinite loading screen


First time out of the vault
Ive been getting the infinite loading screen problem in New Vegas and Ive been doing the thing where you load the save after starting a new game but thats just kinda annoying to do. What can i do so that i dont have to do that? I installed nvac and nvse but those havent helped and ive unchecked the read only box on the saves folder but that just keeps resetting to checked whenever i close it and nothing seems to change. What can i do to fix this?
Did you install the game in Program Files? That behavior sounds like it~
Proper procedure require you install the game in a normal folder, preferably with short address.
Like c:\games\Fallout New Vegas\ for example
Install in PF or in Steam (which generally in PF) is going to cause trouble.
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I did install it through steam i can still do it the other way and keep all my save data even though i installed through steam right?