I discovered Rez, and it's...


It Wandered In From the Wastes
... hands down, the best video game ever made.
I drove 70 miles, both ways, to get my hands on this little unheard-of gem, and it's everything I ever expected, and then some. Pictures don't do this game justice: you need to see it in action, or else you're living a pretty thin life. As for gameplay: if you ever played Space Harrier, Planet Harriers or Panzer Dragoon Orta, you should know what to expect. The first level starts out simple enough, but by the first layer (of ten), all hell starts to break loose, and by the time you defeat the first boss, you will remind yourself why you play video games in the first place. 8) Oh, and during the bootup, a warning screen encourages you to turn the lights down. That alone should give you an idea as to how different Rez is. My eyes are watering, but in a good way. :wink:
"Unheard-of Gem?" Certainly not in my neck of the woods. Everyone I know has played it, we set up a projector every couple of weeks in the local auditorium and play all night (of course hooking up the auditorium speakers). It's definitely a game that ranks high on the audio scale, not just visual. I usually play with headphones, since my TV has rather dismal sound.

Though I wouldn't rate it the best video game ever made. It does get old if played constantly. Good to break up the experience.