I dont even need to make a joke.

Wait another month and he'll be joining the Utah Mormons...
Wooz69 said:
Wait another month and he'll be joining the Utah Mormons...
My parents are mormon. I take offence at the idea that my parents are as bad as these pseudo-Nazis, seeing as they voted Democrat all thier lives and have worked tirelessly to bring Mormonisim further to the left.
CC wrote:
My parents are mormon. I take offence at the idea that my parents are as bad as these pseudo-Nazis, seeing as they voted Democrat all thier lives and have worked tirelessly to bring Mormonisim further to the left.

I apologize if I offended you with that post, the mormons I mentioned are the classical, stereotypical people who live isolated form everybody and have several "wives", often little girls, sometimes their own children.

if he went mormon he could have more than one little boy at a time.
Mormons gave that up when Grant sent out an Army the size of the total population of Utah at the end of a rifle barrel. Actually, the Mormons are in a pretty bitter fight against the ACLU to keep polygamy banned (the Mormons want it to stay banned).
And the ACLU is fighting for the RIGHT'S of those poor oppressed mormon's to get Poligamy back, weather they want it or not.. sounds like the ACLU.

I've very little respect for organisations like that.
The ACLU is like most organizations - sometimes you tend to agree with what they're fighting for, other times it's "WTF?"

I'd rather they be there to fight for people rather than not, regardless of how many times I wonder what crack they're smoking. You never know when the issue at hand will be one that directly affects you.
Bt then again, shouldn't people be able to have the right to have multiple spouses? I mean, its not like the Mormons HAVE to have multiple hubands or wives.

And I don't see where you get off thinking that Muslims are pseudo-Nazis, Craprunner.
If it's banned it's much more interesting!
No offence though.
Just that the "king and queen of pop" is trying to keep the interest to himself is not aggravating
Bradylama wrote:
And I don't see where you get off thinking that Muslims are pseudo-Nazis, Craprunner

Umm, I think he's refering to the Nation of Islam group, which is a black suprematist formation.