I fear we are in a funk:

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Why isn't anyone writing?


I know that sometimes it can be difficult but please ladies and gentlemen of the FanFic world, write something.

Come now, I know that many of us must endure school (I am one of the unfortunate) but if we all write just a small paragrahph every day about something, in a few weeks we'll have FanFic out the ass again.

Over at the Annunaki I'm finding it difficult to announce anything not Website-only related. I do announce any newly posted FanFic. If you have something that you deem postworthy I shall post that as well if you'll send it over to me.

We are still in the need of more artwork, although The Pencil, Slinky, and even Briosafreak have either contribuited or will do so soon. Give me some and I'll set up a gallery for you.

I guess to sum up what I said above I'll say that we have some of the most talented people in the digital world right here. Without pushing ourselves just a little bit all of our talent is wasted. So let's all do just a little bit extra to do what we can. Is that fair everyone?

True Raven
The Annunaki FanFic and Theory Guild
Oh yes, quite

I have to endure school, lucky me... and homework too... even luckier me. I'd post some artwork, but I need new scnanner software... windows doesn't like what I have. Purge!!

Mad Ass
Yes you did.

And by the by, Pencil, we must speak of important matters when we next meet. Keep your ICQ on. We need to talk before you leave.

True Raven
The Annunaki FanFic and Theory Guild
RE: Yes you did.

why write about fallout, when we'll be EXPERIENCING it after what happend to day =]
not amusing.

not amusing at all. I tend to be a very lighthearted person, but I'm having a hard time laughing when over 20,000 people DIED today...just my 2 cents...


I have family that was almost killed today. Don't give me any of your fucking smiley faces or your fucking jokes. This is a serious matter. Do you even understand that people DIED today? There could be 50,000 people DEAD! DOES THIS REGESTER IN YOUR FUCKING HEAD AT ALL DIPSHIT??? When you grow up enough to understand that this is one of the most horrifying acts ever in the history of the world come back. Until then try and show some sympathy for the people who have lost their entire lives today.

True Raven
The Annunaki FanFic and Theory Guild
Calm down

Alright, calm down people. It isn't a laughing matter, but it's easy for people who are out of touch with the events (folk on the West Coast with no connections in the city) to make light of the situation. Having a personal connection is very different from seeing images on TV.
I'm still trying to wake up, hoping this is some kind of nightmare. It isn't. Try to accept that, but keep your cool. The US has pulled through tragedies in the past, and we'll get through this one, if you stay calm.
Being the most powerful and prosperous nation also makes us the most hated nation. Try to accept that it happened, but for love of God, watch what you say.

FYI... 50,000 people work at the World Trade Center buildings.... but there's more than the two that were hit.
We're looking at 2000 or more dead. Pay some respect.

Mad Ass
It's not good news..

The World Trade Center is the economic heart of the nation, and the Pentagon is the center of its military might. Some people ask.. why not target the White House?

Simple. The President is expendable. Bush doesn't really command much respect or loyalty or sympathy. Don't look at me like that.. you know it's true.

This act, is definitely more effective and horrifying. I pray for the souls so innocently and suddenly lost...

He's right...

Calm down, TR...

Now I may personally not be too empathic to anyone's problems, I'd, in prevention, just like to remind you that trying to kill each other over the internet won't bring anyone back. Nothing will. Accept it, make a nice little monument and move on.

It may sound cold, and if you know any other way to respond that would make sense you're free to use it, but trying to hurt others, no matter how inconsiderate they are, can only do more harm. For obviously, he's not affected, and I don't see how it could possibly help to hurt him too. (Even though my personal believe is that people can't be hurt by words, there's always an exception.)

Now, on one hand I feel the need to keep repeating the same thing, on the other hand, the more I write, the more slip-ups I might make, the more I risk upsetting some of you more...

I'll settle for hoping one warning will do the trick...
Definately a funk...

Now we can't change the fact that this happened, but it does give you a new perspective on how the world would react to the events possbily leading up to a war. A third world war wouldn't be a pretty sight, and I'm sure the reactions to a full blown invasion of this country would be even worse than those that we experienced yesterday. Just a thought, no offense intended. But now we, as writers, have a very close feeling to the pre-nuclear war world.
I'm not directly unaffected by the situation at all, even though everyone has certainly had a visceral reaction to it. I live on the west coast, but I also have family that lives in New York, and family in the DC area. Don't think me insensitive to what's happened, everyone has a different view on the world, be it perpetually light-hearted or always pesimistic.

In any event, please keep the fan-fics coming. To me, reading about another world and being able to talk to the writers is a release from the daily grind. I'm still working hard to keep WD going, among other stories under developement. Don't let this heinous act of terrorism have such a terrible impact on your life. If you let that happen, they've won.

Mad Ass
>>Calm down, TR...<<

Then let me say this as calmly as possible:

I have soot and dirt from a building that is a six hour drive away over my house. Thousands of people have been killed. Yet you want me to be calm.

Sorry it ain't gonna happen.

People are about to kill anyone and anything who has the slightest hint of Arabic on them. Will this help the situation? No. Will it make us feel better? For the moment.

The United States is on the verge of all out war with anyone who helped these monsters attack our helpless citizens. Yet I am supposed to "build a monument and move on." You aren't cold Willy, you are crazy, and stupid as well.

Right now you are sitting comfy-cozy in the Netherlands and thinking that nothing will ever happen to you. Just as I did on Sept. 10th. Then the next day it happened. What will you do when someone you love is killed by terrorists? I doubt you will build a monument and move on. You will want cold blooded murder, and I wouldn't blame you.

Get off your ass, Willy, and see what is going on around you. Watch then news for sixteen hours straight like I did. I truly hope that you do not ever have to witness the terrible sights firsthand that the United States just did. If you do then maybe you will understand that this is more than just what it seems on the outside.

True Raven
The Annunaki FanFic and Theory Guild
RE: >>Calm down, TR...<<

Willy is right in one respect, no matter how sad, angry, pissed off or annoyed we get with each other for disrespectful words or with the terrorists themselves it isn't going to bring back any of the dead. i'm not effected at all living in the UK and having no family or friends near New York i find it naturally difficult to feel sad however much i tell myself to feel sad there's likely something wrong in my mind. And the little joke about fallout coming real maybe a little more serious that it was intended. And while i would love to live in the fallout realm and work as part of an organization such as the BOS countless more people wouold die if that did happen. Thousands are dead already, if we get angry MILLIONS even BILLIONS of people could die. So i'd personnally appreciate it if you quit making jokes even if they are serious and while my young inferior mind cannot comprehend fully the sheer numbers of people dead or even what it's like to lose a loved one i understand what it must be like in people's mind who are effected. But nothing bad will improve the situation, while i often believe that 2 wrongs make a right that's countered out if any people died in the equation. Death is the ultimate end to this realm for a single person and that change cannot to our knowledge be reversed. And although you may want to do otherwise the best is to just live with it and move on, after uncovering who did it and bringing them to a painful bloody death so they cannot make any more moves against the US or the rest of the world that cause as much death as this again.

In conclusion, keep any evil words or jokes on the matter back as respect for the dead and their families. and i better leave before this post does bad instead of good...

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It's only cheating if you get caught
- Fang_Of_the_BOS@hotmail.com
To live in the Fallout world...

If we didn't have sense of humor about catastophic events, we wouldn't be fascinated with the Fallout world. However, it's easy to be light-hearted about it when it isn't happening. Now I find it difficult to think of the post-nuclear world in the same light. To those that remember, it would be the most difficult thing they've faced to carry on. Most of us write characters that take the massive slaughter for granted, but it would linger in the back of everyone's mind like some ever-present black cloud on the horizon. It wouldn't be as pleasant as we've percieved.
I myself would like to have been born in the Fallout world, but that's because I've experienced the one of the most anti-climatic lives in the world.... and everyone would probably say that about themselves. It would be great to be some kind of post-apocalyptic Knight Errant, but fantasies are all we're going to have to limit it to. We want to live in the world, but no one wants the pain involved in getting there.

Mad Ass
RE: >>Calm down, TR...<<

You can't expect people to NOT make jokes. It's just the thing. No matter how tragic an event is, when someone isn't touched close enough by it, and even if they are, a natural reaction is joke about it. We don't have to face the full fledged reality that terrorists managed to sneak aboard four separate airplanes and crashed these vehicles into two of our nation's landmarks.

Personally, I abhor the violence that is being perpetrated against people of Arab and Islamic descent. It's shameful as a nation to be beating up our own citizens instead of mourning the ones already dead underground.
RE: >>Calm down, TR...<<

Fang, I expect people in the UK to understand this a bit more. I mean, don't you have the IRA attacks in London, or at least you used to?
kicking Afghan ass

It's not the entire nation that's beating up on arabic people, it's a few bigots that are making a massive statement. I don't want to beat the hell out of anyone with a hint of arabic in them, I happen to have some very good friends that are arabic. The point is, although it seems the entire nation is doing this, it's frowned upon by most of the country.

Mad Ass
RE: kicking Afghan ass

I know, but it seems it's happening everywhere. Even on the west coast where I live I've been hearing of Islamic and Arabs being called names and such.
In Reply to the Above:

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Sep-16-01 AT 00:54AM (GMT)[p]Yes it is happening but it is frowned upon very much so. EX:

Near my home a few teenagers ran to a local Convience store with a Moltav Cocktail and threw it into the building hoping to show the "Arabic Meanie" inside that he wasn't wanted... well the problem is that the "Arabic Meanie" was really an American Citizen of Indian descent. $3000 of damage was done and these kids are facing 2nd degree attempted murder. The public (whom they thought would back them) completely exiled them. Nobody even looks at them anylonger and nobody wants to see them serve less than the maximum peanlty of 30 yrs in prison. The point? None of us approve of the terrorist action these kids sprang upon an upstanding citizen of the United States. If they got out of jail they would have their asses kicked every day of their lives because they are now hated in their own homes.

True Raven
The Annunaki FanFic and Theory Guild
You know who Jack Ruby is?

If you don't, he's the guy that killed Oswald during the Kennedy assasination. He too was exiled and considered a crazed maniac, not a hero for killing Kennedy's supposed assassin.