I have a question...


First time out of the vault
Lets say I took the vault 13 map and edited it. Is there a way to get the vault 13 map I made into the game so that it replaces the original vault 13 map?
If you saved it and set all your paths right in MAPPER2.CFG then it should already be in the game.

I assume you are using the official interplay mapper.

If it doesnt work then find out where you saved your map then put it in \FALOUT2\DATA\MAPS\
Hmm...I didn't see that last night. And when I went to play the game and went into vault 13, it didnt have the one I made. I'll check again though...
I placed the map in Fallout2/data/maps, loaded the game, and went to the map, but it wasnt there.

What did you mean by if you set all the paths right? I took the existing map and edited it. Shouldnt it already have the right paths?

And yes, I'm using the mapper from interplay
Try putting another "data/" in the path after the first one.
if it's a game you already started, and have already been to vault 13, then the new map will not be used..
the game saves a "local" copy of the map in the save game folder so it doesn't loose things you put in lockers and drop on the floor etc..