I have no idia how to mod fallout one


First time out of the vault
hey I'm not good dealing with mods i have always used fallout mod manger for my fallout 3 mods. :oops: anyways i want to play the game for the story and not have to worry about balancing my skills and attributes and working with the mechanics of the game. so i wanted to install the "Fallout Super Character" mod byMun Choon but i don't know where to put the .GCD file to use it. I'm running the fallout game from the Fallout trilogy pack if that matters. please help me.

Don't do it, I beg of you!
It will ruin your experience completely. (Also, I'm not sure if that mod is designed for FO1.)
polkm99 said:
so i wanted to install the "Fallout Super Character" mod byMun Choon but i don't know where to put the .GCD file to use it. I'm running the fallout game from the Fallout trilogy pack if that matters. please help me.

Check if you have a 'data' directory in your Fallout installation folder and if yes, just drop the .GCD file there. If you don't make the folder and proceed in the same manner.

Start a new game, choose to create your character, then click Options, Load and select the file from the menu.

If the mod wasn't designed for F1, it will likely not work.


Valcik is right however, that this is likely to ruin your game. Fallout was designed in a way that you can create no matter what character and there will be ways for you to beat the game. If you don't want to play with character creation, choose one of the pre-made characters - they are well balanced and designed to be able to finish the game.
Read Per Jorner's guide to Fallout 1, at least just the start of it. It tells you which skills will let you get the most out of the game without worrying too much about progression (there are quite a few completely useless choices).

My choice:

ST 6
PE 6
EN 4
CH 6
IN 9
AG 10
LK 5

Small Frame

Speech, Lockpick, Small Guns (get them to 100% ASAP)

Don't put points in:
Sneak, Barter, Gambling, First Aid, Doctor

Personal prefs of course.
Just make a character based on what you think you'll like. The "story", so to speak, will hinge on it.

That said, for you, I'm going to recommend a high INT, CHA and tagging the Speech skill. Choose the rest based on what you think will be fun.
Hm. So you want a mod that transforms Fallout into Fallout 3? :>
thank you everyone. in response the fun i get is solely from the storyline, and i don't mind a difficulty but when it is so difficult to strangle my ability to see a large section of the story. for example the first time i tried to play i was killed by 4 prying mantis, and had a similar experience the second time. it just seems a bit insane.

also is there a way to mod Fallout: New Vegas if you bought it on steam?
Over time I lost the capacity of dying in Fallout 1 & 2. When some says "I died" in Fallout, I feel like an alien... or like I'm talking to one.
A good deal of the main story, subplots, and gameplay comes from how you build your character. If you're confused on how to build a good character then use Per's guide as mentioned above
I don't think that Fallout 1 is so hard that you need a guide to build a character. You just have to follow one basic rule:

Higher small guns to at least 100% as soon as possible.

That's all. This brings you over the most parts of the game when it comes to combat. Rest of the skill points can be spend based on what you want.
Eventually, there is possibility to set the combat difficulty to easy, if you are more interested in a story.
I do kinda feel for you though. I remember on my first play through very well, those damn mantises kicked my ass in a random encounter I saved at, making me restart and try a different character. Just know that once you figure out the combat and how to build a good character (not as hard as it seems once you know what skills to rage on and what to ignore) you will go far. Just follow Lexx's advice and raise small guns as quickly as possible, big guns/energy weapons don't come into play until you're about 60% through the game and melee/unarmed are way too difficult unless you've been playing for a while(and even then, you need a good small gun skill for when you can't/dont want to chase down an npc) Then focus on both speech and lockpick evenly until about 80 and by that time you should have a good sense of what you want to do from there. And don't forget to turn combat difficulty to easy in the options menu, I forgot exactly what it does but I believe it raises the damage you do, lowers the damage done to you, and raises the chance for critical shots. Don't quote me on that though

Do not play with a super character, whatever you do. A lot of how the story progresses is based on how your character is built which adds a huge amount of replay to the game. If you cheat you're taking a game you can happily play 15 times and get a new experience each time and shortening that to two or three at the most before it gets boring
And You don't need to Fight. You can also run away to the exit Grid when you encounter something and the Enemy outnumber you.