I just came back from my first time at a casino...


It Wandered In From the Wastes
How many of you have played in casinos...I hope there are enough people here over 21...? I just came back from my first time at one, and that was perhaps the WORST place I've ever been. Not because it was dirty and such, but I have never seen a place where people could be suckered in so badly. How the **** does anyone delude themselves enough to waste hundreds and thousands of dollars on those ******** slot machines. I saw this so many times there and it was painful to watch.

...alright, maybe it was a BIT fun in a sadistic, evil sort of way. :twisted:

Have YOU ever won anything there? I wasted $60 there. My last games was when I said to myself that I swore, if I got at least some of my money back, I would NEVER ever go back there again. And voila - I won $40. I did break my promise when I found a 1 cent slot machine that had enough credit for one last game, but I didn't win there. I feel more awful for breaking my promise to myself than losing that money. But the temptation to play again was so great...my God, it's even worst than trying to hold off to NOT masturbating for a whole week! **** that ****...

If you guys ever go to a casino, please listen to my advice - GO THERE AND PLAY. This might sound counter-productive, but I'm serious, go there and play, BUT bring ONLY a set amount of cash that you're just as willing to throw away and give to a hobo. Don't bring any ATM or credit cards. In fact, just bring cash and don't bring your wallet. Then play. And watch all that money burn away. Then look around you and see that there are other people who are so sucked into it(especially the old folks, you'll notice a lot of them...sad to think how many of them are burning away a lifetimes worth of savings), wasting hundreds and even thousands of dollars on one stupid slot machine. Then NEVER ever set foot in a casino again because that's how evil those places are. :evil:

...and I know this isn't really supposed to go on this section, but on a Fallout-related note, next time I replay my game, I am going to burn New Reno and every single gambling den in the game to the ground. No mercy. I should get a huge positive karma boost for that. 8)
Slot machines are boring. I really don't get them. When I go to a casino, I go there and play Texas Hold 'Em (if available with small blinds) or blackjack. Casino's, to me, are for the fun you're having there with pals. Sitting behind a slot machine is rather counterproductive, then.
I have never been to a casino, but I have played a slot machine at an RSL (Returned Serviceman's League) in Sydney and it ain't fun. But I could see the amusement by going with a group of mates, having a few drinks and placing stupid bets on random games...

But I don't understand how people can become addicted to such a thing as poker machines... But it ain't my thing.
Slot machines, poker machines and all other kinds of machines just suck. I've spent some time in casinos, and if it's a good casino, I love the environment. Alas, I haven't seen a hold'em table in a casino as of yet - I'd love to sit down at one of those and linger. As it is, I've just dropped by and put down a few chips on roulette and then left. No big wins, no big losses.

I'd easily like to visit Vegas sometime. I've heard you can get hotel rooms and stuff pretty cheap since they expect you to lose your wife and children to the casinos.
Slot machines are the televisions of the casino. They have lots of flashy lights so that the shallow say 'oo! ah! blinky lights!'. They are designed to provide an audio-visual stimulatory experience and a reward mechanism, such as the satisfying sound of coin hitting the correctly tuned metal bin, which reinforces pleasure signals.

Slots are in many ways the rts/fps console-kiddy to the Bard's Tale and Planescape: Torment of the PC gamer. Thus they are not designed for a majority of the NMA crowd. Perhaps for the DAC crowd though...

History: Slot machines were invented/included in the casino floor as a way of entertaining the women-folk while the men played the real games such as Blackjack, Roulette and the like. Ironically modern slots are by far the casino's most lucrative return; the games like blackjack often lose money (after the dealers are paid and all), but the casino's now must include the blackjack to keep the men happy while they make their money off the men's women.

All addictive personalities must be weary of casinos as much as they must be weary of other addictive pursuits as diverse as adrenaline junky things and smoking/drinking/drugs. The positive reinforcement mechanisms in gambling work on the same receptors and such that other addictive pursuits utilize.

Of all the possible traits I could have, the addictive personality one is the one I most appreciate not having.
I've always hated gambling and I could never see where people got into it. I'll play a few rounds of poker with the guys but in terms of casinos and the lottery... eh, I'll make my money the 9-5 way.
I'm a bit of a texas hold'em addict, so that's all I play when I go to the casino (which has only been twice this year).

Thankfully, I'm up by $160 due to some insane luck, combined with skill.

My rule is never play against the house. No slot machines, no blackjack, no spin-the-wheel-that-has-3000-numbers-on-it, no roulette, etc. I'm a bit lucky that I live in the city with the biggest casino in the southern hemisphere (Crown Casino, Melbourne).

But I don't understand how people can become addicted to such a thing as poker machines... But it ain't my thing.

Conditioning. Similar to Pavlov's dogs. I can't really remember much of my high school psychology classes, but thats one of the main reasons people become hooked.

It's also fairly easy to see why pensioners can get hooked, since their lives are boring.
I go about once a week. The casino around here has a $50 bounty tournament every week or two. About 100-150 people show up and there is a $10 bounty on everyones head.

Slot machines suck really bad. Learn basic stratagy and go play blackjack or learn to play craps the smart way and play craps (best bet in the casino is pass line withfull odds. 10x odds = 0.18% house advantage which is damn good at a casino)
Gotta agree w/ brandon. If your not having fun at a casino then you have no idea what your doing. First off go w/ your friends and all sit at the same table. 2nd of all take advantage of the free drinks (tip your waitress good the first time and she'll get you drunk for free real quick). 3rd of all learn how to play BlackJack wich is damn near the easiest game to learn - but the real FUN is in Craps. I've had some of the funnest times of my life at the craps table including the last time i went to Laughlin on a 8 hour run and walked away drunk off my ass and up 265 bucks.
SimpleMinded said:
I've always hated gambling and I could never see where people got into it. I'll play a few rounds of poker with the guys but in terms of casinos and the lottery... eh, I'll make my money the 9-5 way.

Mate I'm with you here. I've hated casino's and the whole idea of gambling, and never waste my money... Although I'm in a lotto syndicate at work, but it's not going to send me broke too fast :P
I went to the casino in Cannes, France when I was 16 (borrowed my cousins drivers license). Played $1 on a slot machine, won $20 and have never played since. I have promised myself to visit the casino in Monaco just because it's such a classic but I'm no gambler at heart so I guess that will be the end of it.

[PCE said:
el_Prez]tip your waitress good the first time and she'll get you drunk for free real quick)
Yeah... free :roll: .. and we all know the best players are the once with 2.0 in the blood. It's their win.
monsharen said:
Yeah... free :roll: .. and we all know the best players are the once with 2.0 in the blood. It's their win.

The way I see it, i could lose a couple bucks gambling and having fun and getting free drinks, or go to an overpriced bar to party and end up spending 40-50 bucks (over 100 if your in Vegas) on drinks w/out gambling a penny. Besides: If you can't do it drunk, than you probably can't do it very well sober anyways.
When I turned 21, I went to Las Vegas for a few days. The first thing I did was turn $40 into $80 because I bet on black in roulette. It was an overwhelming feeling, one that I couldn't pay $40 to get (need to experiment more). Then I decided to play the slots... ya.

That $80 turned into about -$200, but it was fun, no regrets (insert joke here).
[PCE said:
el_Prez]or go to an overpriced bar to party and end up spending 40-50 bucks (over 100 if your in Vegas) on drinks w/out gambling a penny.

Yeah gamblers have a tendency to buy a lot of drinks :roll:
Casinos < Arcades
But Casinos generally have Arcades...
Does this mean that Casinos (can)= Arcades?
If so then Casinos are superior to themselves.
Time Paradox?!
Shut up, I just awoke.
Only reason I go anywhere near casinos: free drinks. I play extremely slowly, putting a quarter in a machine maybe once every three minutes. By the end of the night I lost 3 to 5 bucks, assuming none of the machines came back with anything, and I get about 40-60 bucks in drinks for almost nothing. Meanwhile I get to watch my friends try to figure out how many diamonds are on their cards while doublevision fucks with them. Casino hopping is rather fun, really.
I played Texas Hold-em last night with some mates at a mates place, and it was great fun. Yes I know, it ain't any casino, but we played with chips, and for a guy who had never played this game before, let alone even poker, I think I did great.

I won the first few games, probably because I had no idea what I was doing, and my mates wrote me off as a n00b.

Then once I sort of knew what I was doing, I kept that n00b bluff up and kept winning :P

Too bad it didn't last all night though...
There is only one rule in gambling, the house always wins. There is a reason why the casinos are everything you need, to loose money, the hotels, the services, the whole escapade. So that you can use more money than you can gain. It's all part of an plan to gain money from the tourists. Fun = losing money, in any kind of form. So go have some fun. You'll need it, so you can fight the hardships you have ahead, gain from having the fun.

-If you can't kill yourself while having the fun, you'll still lose more than you had.
The man who died in Las Vegas said:
At least I had some fun. :D
The man had no family, so he loaned money from the loan sharks and was killed for it, but at least he won. :twisted: