PWAHAHAHA!!! If you call 640x480 with 256 colors nice, then I must salute your modesty.
Citing specs as if though they're the benchmark that all graphics should be measured by is pure bullshit, especialy if the graphics are well executed, take complete advantage of their resources, are creative, and have talented artists like in Starcraft. Also, you can do a lot more with 2D art with less resources, unlike 3D. It's one of the reasons why 2D games have a much longer-lasting aesthetic appeal then their 3D counterparts.
Better than other RTS's of its time, yeah. Except for Total Annihilation (superior to Starcraft in everything except story and setting, and let's not forget it's several months older), Dark Omen (superior to Starcraft in everything), Close Combat II (a whole other league, but what the hell), and just about every other RTS that was released at that time.
Total Annihilation is better in many aspects, and it's the other RTS that was arguably the best at the time, but it had a weaker plot, and I liked the graphics in Starcraft better. Although the gameplay was better, I have to admit that I had more fun playing Starcraft.
However, you must like the taste of sweaty orc-balls the way you constantly cite the Warhammer games as being better. Dark Omen, if anything, is worse than its prequel in several ways. Although it did improve the graphics a bit, they're in no way better than Starcraft's, unless you like shitty 3D pixels and horrible texturing. Plus the shitty controls and terrible unit AI is still there. To top it off, what little SOTRT had going for it was eliminated in this sequel. Not only was the nonlinearity removed, but its extreme difficulty was eliminated by way of giving heaps of gold and items after each mission. This eliminated the micromanagement and value that each unit had in the previous game. I remember the countless times I had to restart a mission in SOTRT because my units took too much damage for them to fight effectively in the next mission, but it was well worth the pride I felt once I beat the game.
Face it, the best game that the Warhammer franchise ever produced was Shadow of the Horned Rat, and even then, it wasn't the best in its respective genre.