i need a little help with item editing


First time out of the vault
i have both fime and fic but i cant figure out how to get my thing to work. i desided as a joke i'm giving the ripper range as its alternate attack but i wanted a projectile animation added to it.. but i still cant get it. any idea's?
thanks. i already have the mapper... i just never installed it. i thought it was for terrain only. :oops:
any tips and unofficial tool recamendations?
hehehe I knew the last question was comming

You will probably need to follow ColJack's Tutorials in order to set up the mapper correctly.

Follow the tutorials link on the left hand side of his page.
thanks but youre a lil late. i found the info on my own... any chance you know of a way to get the dev chain into a sub folder?
If you click on the ripper in the mapper, there is a projectile PID button, click that,
and you can toggle through the projectile types to change them.

Look in the mapper\scripts\headers\itempid.h and you see this:

#define PID_FLYING_ROCKET (83886081)
#define PID_FLYING_PLASMA_BALL (83886082)
#define PID_FLYING_KNIFE (83886086)
#define PID_FLYING_SPEAR (83886087)
#define PID_FLYING_LASER_BLAST (83886089)
#define PID_FLYING_PLASMA_BLAST (83886090)