ICC - First Mission chapter two.

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So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
Jack O'Neil Felt like shit as he got up. During a fight aginst some mutated beasts, a ricochet had struck him in the helmet knocking him out. While mostly recoverd, he still had a bad headache.
As he walked around the new main camp that Major Max had set up at the bunker that Arco's team had discoverd, he noticed Kahgan looking like he was about to head out.

"Hey Kahgan, where you going ?"
Rosco slowly walked to Fenix...he was lying against the wall in a widening puddle of his own blood. The dog nuzzled Fenix's hand, and slowly but surely his eyes opened. After coughing up a wad of bloody phlegm he spoke in a grating voice."Jack I need you to take care of Rosco from now on." a deep breath followed by a wheezy sigh."I need you to make sure to take care of that laser pistol too.........I have had it since I first joined the brothehood." Fenix shifted his glance to all of those around him. People he had become friends with over the journey. "just remember my friends that I am leaving this shithole of a world for a better place." Fenix drew a shuddering breath into his failing lungs, a few now noticed a wide hole running all the way through his chest from a claw, and said in his final breath. "Be good Rosco. I will save you a spot in heaven." This time his chest did not rise back up, and his hand slipped from Rosco's noze. The dying eyes of Fenix would leave a serious inprint on all of the assebled as they seemed to bore into the the very soul of each person at the same time as if he were staring directly at each of them at once all the way until his eyes closed. Rosco let out a long howl of grief for his master, and a collective sadness fell on the room. So now there was one less fighter for the Brotherhood. A serious loss.
Kahgan had stopped packing his stuff while Fenix was talking. After he was finnished, he spoke out: "Well, someone ought to dig a grave for the fellow, here's one of two field shovels I found down there" he threw it on the ground beside Fenix' dead body. Then he answered Jack: "I'm going to get this hide tanned, it's starting t'smell, I hope it aint to late" he paused a minute "Since Fenix is dead and I like dogs, I'll take Rosco with me" Then he sat down on the ground and got Rosco over to him. He patted him on the head and gave him some dry meat. "There's more where that come from, and if you're a good boy I'll give ya more" And he turned to Jack "Ya can come with me if you like, we might come over some ammo as well, my UZI is useless now, without ammo, oh, and by the way, you might want to see to Tenel Ka too, she's in the medic tent...half an arm short..."


Hope it's ok that I take Rosco with me, if not I'll edit him out.
OCC I dont mind at all.


Jack scratched his head for a minute before realizng his helmet was in the way, then he paused looking rather sheepish.

Sure Ill go with you freind, just as soon as I can check on the wounded.
Jack spent about ten minutes inside the medic tent. Meanwhile, Kahgan had been packing up all his stuff. He grabbed some meat jerky and threw a slice over to Rosco while he was waiting for Jack to get ready.
When Jack was ready, Kahgan told him that they'd be going up north again to a small settlement he had noticed at the coastline. "If we travel light and only take with us what we need we'll be by the outscirts of it by nightfall, then we will set up a small camp and spend the night outside just to be sure" Kahgan said.
Jack nodded and seemed to agree, but he had looked a bit sad since he came out of the medic tent...
The journy went quite nice with only ocasianally encounters with gecko's and such. By dusk they could see the lights from the settlement, it seemed to be a buisy place, even with boats on the sea.
Jack, Rosco and Kahgan set up camp about two kilometres away from the place by a large rock that would secure them from any attacks from behind.
"This town is amazing. Ive only read about boats back home, and seen some holos"
Kahgan shook his head, amazed at the dwellers insular upbringing.

OCC-Short, yes, but this is Kahgans story to tell til we return.
After walking in the streets for only ten minutes someone bumped into Kahgan, grabbing his 10mm. Kahgan didn't notice it, but Jack did, he sprinted after and kicked the fellow's legs so that he fell on the stone layed ground, smashing out a tooth or two. Kahgan was abit surprised and asked with a wierd look, allmost laughing "Why the hell did ya do that?" Jack smiled and grabbed the guy, who was only a teenage boy and held him in front of Kahgan, "Search his bag, you'll find your 10mm"
After picking up the pistol, Kahgan gave the boy a real angry look and said: "I ought to throw you in the sea, but I'll spare you if you can tell me where there is a tanner" The boy looked revealed "There's a tanner down this street and and to the right of the bar"
The locals in this place didn't seem to friendly. Most probably one of those places that die out after a short period of time. The bar was called "Poseidons in" and itfitted the name, it was a rotting hole with a ghoul owner. In general, the whole town looked rotting, allthough it was covered by all the people, there was a lot of people, to much people. And there were more pocket thieves, but Jack and Kahgan was more aware now, so no one got to steal anything.

*Dingeling* The tanner had placed a funny dingy thing on the door to hear when anyone comes in. Kahgan layed the hide on the counter "Can you get this tanned?"
"Sure, what type of hide is it? Its not brahmin..."
"It's from a claw"
"How the hell did you get your hands on a deathclaw hide?"
Kahgan hesitated, but Jack interfered; "He killed it"
The tanner thought they were pulling his leg "Riiiight..." he couldn't start talking more before Kahgan said with an irritated voice "Look, I don't care if you belive us or not, get it tanned or you'll be sorry"
"Awright, awright, I'll do it. It's gonna take some days though"
"doesn't matter, I wont wait in this stinkhole anyway, you got pocket thieves every ten yards and the other people around doesn't seem to honest either. Now I'll be back in four days, if it's not here, I swear on my parent's grave that I'll string you up in front of town and burn your house to the ground..."

The four days swiftly went by, it was actually a great time, they got to taste fish and just sit by the camp and relax.
When they finally went down to the town on the fourth day, they took Rosco with them. They figured that now when people was used to them beeing up there someone might try to "investigate" the place, so just to be sure, they took him with them.
This time, no one tried to pickpocket them, instead people backet of and pointed. "See? this is what happens when people hear rumors of claw-killing or heroic actions. You see people don't get it, they don't see that I was lucky, I ad a 95% chance of beeing slayed, but they don't get it" Kahgan said.
But Jack replied, "So? does it matter, at least we don't have pickpockets around us" They laughed as they walked into the tanners place.
The hide was quickly handed to them and the tanner had proven to be quite experienced.
Kahgan was so pleased that he even handed him a bag of coins.


ooof, that was alot of writing, care to travel us back, Psycho?
OCC: My pleasure Kahgan, though I was hoping to be lazy and let you do it.

Jack and Kahgan were walking back when suddenly a rusty old Corvega beside them was struck with a bullet. Then another. And another. And another.
Jack and Kahgan quickly jumped behind the large car and exchanged worried glances.
Then they noticed Rosco wasnt there.
Thats when the screaming started.
And ended abruptly, sounding like a wet gargle.
As they investigates, they found Rosco munching on the body of the pickpocket that had tried to steal Kahgan's gun.
Neither having the nerve to stop Rosco, they looted the body as the dog ate, not finding much execpt 5 clips worth of ammo for Kahgans Uzi. 3 JHP, one AP, and one that they fianly realized were tracer rounds.
"Well, your luck just doesnt seem to want to end Kahgan. Lets go set up a camp we can defend. I have a feeling that this isnt over."
Rosco was filled with a pleasent warmth from the meat. It was fresh and moist and succulent. Quickly finishing, Rosco took a deep whif of the thiefs scent and took off to find a similar prey. After ten minutes he had come across a few close maatches, but then he unwittingly stumbled on the thief's brother.

Using his augmented intelligence, Rosco lured the boy into an alley by whimpering for meat jerky and walking shyly away backwards. By the time the boy was a foot away crouching down and petting him Rosco was beaming before he tore his throat oat and feasted.

It would be a long time before Rosco went to look for Jack and Kahgan.
As Jack and Kahgan finished setting up a camp, they noticed that Rosco wasnt there.
The next morning, they were getting ready to move on, when Rosco arrived.

Coverd in blood.

"He looks unhurt. I have a feeling that someone, or several someones, did something stupid." Jack said. Then, motioning to Rosco and tosing a peice of meat jerkey "Cmon boy, lets go."
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