Icewind Dale 2 crashes randomly


Vault Senior Citizen
Well, i start playing the game (again) and it crashes at random. I've searched the nets for a solution, but all i found were people complaining of this problem. Then i searched using the text of the error message and i've found extensive discussions in polish or some other language.

I've tried playing the game without too much videocard support (that is used software rendering where i had that option) but still the game crashes...

i've got a p4 2.8ghz with a Ati 9550 gu videocard...

sorry, move this thread to the General Gaming forum please...
Don't worry, the game isn't worth playing anyway.

Once you've seen the character art by Jason Manley, you've seen pretty much the only cool thing in Asswind Dale 2.

Some Assertion Errors and Messages

In cases of any assertion error, please check the links section from above and update the drivers if needed.

If the assertion error occurs again, exit IWD2 and delete files in these IWD2 subfolders:
- cache
- temp
- tempsave
Then restart IWD2.

If emptying those folders didn't help, please use repair option available inside IWD2 uninstaller (delete everything inside the override folder before repairing), and if even that fails, try with reinstalling the game (make it full installation).

Programmer says: Uncompression Error: -3
Programmer says: Uncompression Error: -5
Occurs randomly during the gameplay. Check the solution on coped info from Icewind Dale II Support Website.

Programmer says: Couldn't uncompress save game into Temp directory
Occurs only on loading the saved game - that got corrupted. The corrupted is only SAV file. Please contact official support about this at:

Assertion Failed in ObjCreature.cpp at line number 15544, 15569, 15571 or 15596
Occurs only on loading the saved game - that got corrupted. The cause of this is still not clear. The only solution so far is loading the SAV file inside NearInfinity and removing the corrupted ARxxxx part - completely.

Assertion Failed in InfScreenLoad.cpp at line number 1592
Occurs on choosing Load Game option at main menu. Cause: one or more of saved games are corrupted in a way that files contain no valid data but all zeros. Which game got corrupted you may find out with any bmp viewer which will "protest" on invalid bmp file.
The corrupted saved game must be removed from the mpsave folder. The reason why this happens is not clear.

Patch it if you haven't already. I got the simular problem with IWD2, turns out, it doesn't support my video card. Fixed by tweaking perfomance settings in Control Panel - Display - Options - Diagnostics.
I've got the same problem with BG2... my guess it's something to do with the infinity engine... I'm updating my video card drivers now...

edit: the game crashed along with the new and updated Catalyst... f them!

How do i install the drivers for 9550 gu? When i install the video card, it installs the drivers for 9600 series... it doesn't matter what i do.