Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition questions


Vault Senior Citizen
I got this on sale on Steam a long time ago. Wasn't sure if I wanted to play the Enhanced Edition. Not sure what Beamdog added to it, but I figured I would give it a shot now. What all did they add?

Also, I'm getting mixed signals on best party composition from various places. Figured I'd for sure have a human Paladin (Undead Hunter), a Gnome Cleric/Illusionist, an elven FMT, and a halfling Ranger. Then I'm not so sure. Was thinking a Dwarven Berserker perhaps, an elvish Sorc or maybe a Fighter/Cleric halfling or human. Kind of torn.

Been forever since I played vanilla IWD too so I probably forgot a lot about the loot and such.

If the content they added was anything like the crap they added to BG then I am sure it is mediocre and mostly fan mod quality.
I never played it so when I do I will be picking up this edition so don't mistake my post - I think they did ok.