Idea For a good mod!


First time out of the vault
I've noticed that the Brotherhood of Steel plays a small role in Fallout 2.... I think that someone should make a md adding elevators to the NCR office and the Den office just so that you can have at least the same thing as the SF office I wouldn't think it would be much work either!
hmmm... Thats gives me an idea. What if you just used the Bunker from FO1?

Modify FO1 BOS bunker to to go from the SF top level to the BOS 2nd floor.

Of course it would need to be re-populated with new critters and stuff, and i'm not sure how to tie in the Frank Horrargin killing off the BOS agent there. I mean plot wise he would now have to kill a full bunker of BOS troops, but then he did whipe out the Vault full of Deathclaws...

It woudl be interesting to expand this bunker into the FO1 bunker though I'm not sure who and what to put in there, but it coudl lead to some intersting developments.

Teh tech room where the initaite was building Power armour in FO1 could be changed into a aircraft development room, once the player gets the BOS the plans for the Vertibird parts start getting made there.

Maybe Frank kills the guy in the Den instead but the BOS dont know what has happened they only know they have lost contact with some of their smaller outposts and ask the player to investigate, when the player enters the Den BOS bunker it is now the Bunker from San Fran and the player can play the security video there to view Frank killing the BOS agent,

I like the new possiblities and quests this could add. Maybe dude_obj and Corpse coudl be convinced to add this into their expansion (Dude was already playing around with FO1 towns/maps)
Wild_qwerty said:
Maybe dude_obj and Corpse could be convinced to add this into their expansion (Dude was already playing around with FO1 towns/maps)

Actually we talked about this very thing last week. I agree that this is a mod begging to be done. Each of those BOS outposts should at least have some kind of quest.

We also thought that some BOS/Enclave patrol clashes in random encounters would be fun.

thefatness said:
I wouldn't think it would be much work either!

hehe ... yep it all sounds very simple in concept. Implementation is tricky with this game.
Yea, I look at it the same as the Toxic Caves map with that Elevator that goes to one little room.

dude, I will email you Coljack's map of the toxic caves along with some of his scripts etc... It is a real nice map :)
It always bugged me that if the Brotherhood are meant to be trying to be inconspicous that they'd build these shiny new bunkers in the middle of all the towns. Surely someone would notice? Perhaps rather than just adding the broken hills maps to the SF bunker and the SF bunker to the others, change the wall tiles. So on the surface it looks just like another patched up building and underground it'd have a more rough unfinished look, where they'd adapted existing caves, or basements and sewers etc to their needs.
if you make this mod... please god dont use anything that wouldnt look like fallout 2 graphics supported it like environment armor I just think it looks dinky in fallout graphics... and also i checked on mapper it seems that you would need to make whole new map area , instead of just editing the elevation level because one of them they used for emperor room with giant computer in the Shi palace, but it also might not be a problem i like the idea for fallout 1 BoS HQ in there but maybe miniturize it and add in some people main quests and perhaps even another one in vault city... that would fit well in courtyard. Maybe put in that useless fenced area with all the prisoners, it wasn't much to look at anyhow... anyway i see that this idea might make a great mod so if anyone wants to see about making this thing say so below this post maybe even if your busy whenever your done being busy with an mod or something else just see about this...
Sorry the Enviro armor is already in, along with a bunch of other stuff. Not sure what you mean by "wouldn't look like fallout 2 graphics supported it". The new armors and weapons may diverge from the true 50s vision, but we were bored and wanted new stuff. Those that don't like it are not obligated to use the mod. I personally don't think this looks dinky at all. Also, as I have mentioned, after this mod is done I plan to make another that tries to stick true to Boyarsky's "future of the fifties" vision, but with a new story. The main goal of this mod is too simply add some replay value to what we already have. And BTW my intent for the future game is to release in "chapters" so the whole thing doesn't need to be done before release, and you carry your character with you into the next chapter. Hopefully this will get us past the "always in development" nature of most of the significant mods, many of which never get completed.
I'm not saying its a horrible armor model, im just sayign that maybe if you used more of the coloring in other armor like leather jacket because that picture you showed me sorta looked like a game i saw that looked like it was made badly like this game
okay, I admit that a lot of the critters I converted from FOT into FO2 format dont all look the part, but after studying all the different critters in a FRM editor I think I'm qualified to say what critters look good and what ones dont. I dont like a lot of the FOT critters, but I converted them all anyway.

Anyway the Environmental armour is one of the best there, the colour palette is a near perfect match to the FO2 critters, the scale is about right the movements all look good. The idea of environmental armour suits fallout. This is second only to the cockroaches.

dude_obj said:
Hopefully this will get us past the "always in development" nature of most of the significant mods, many of which never get completed.

We were looking at doing this for MR, but we werent sure if the player could carry on with his save games with each new chapter or if you would need to start again each time.
thefatness said:
I'm not saying its a horrible armor model, im just sayign that maybe if you used more of the coloring in other armor like leather jacket

Take another look:


I agree with wild_qwerty, of all of the FOT characters I think enviro armor is the best looking. I actually think it fits well, and even the pulse rifle proto seems to be a fit. And since it's a toxic wasteland it makes sense that there would be hazmat somewhere.

Also, that lizard, we changed to "gila monster" because they are native to the FO region, they can be found in california. They are poisonous, and soon to be dangerously poisonous, more so than any poison effect in FO2. They really should have a different color though.

Regarding using different coloring, I'm mostly a programmer, so I can only use what I can find or what other people give me to add to the mod. I'm pretty happy with what we have already. The roaches, wasps, lizards, dogs, and wolf are good additions to the game. I'll draw the line at pipboy cartoon characters and hairy deathclaws that look like monkeys though.

thefatness said:
that picture you showed me sorta looked like a game i saw that looked like it was made badly like this game

Say what?
dude_obj said:

LOL :lol:

The monkey deathclaw, is a clasic! You cant tell from the still shots, but when you see it up and moving it really does look like a moneky :lol:

The motions are perfect for a moneky, so much so that I wonder if they modeled the movement off of one :?
Wild_qwerty said:
it really does look like a moneky

Yeah the little one actually does look like a monkey. I do have it set up as a monkey in the original expansion. I'm not rolling out all the critters at once, though protos exist for all that you gave me.