Idea how to reanimate a dead Fallout Character?


First time out of the vault

I have a problem with Fallout 1. A character important for a quest died without any reason and therefore i am very disappointed. Has anyone an idea how i can resurrect this character? Can I edit my savegame somehow?
I haven't any savegames left where the character is still alive.


PS: Sorry if this is the wrong forum, but there was no other forum, where this topic/question would have been more appropiate
Try starting a new game, going to that area and saving.
If you then replace the .SAV file for that area in your main game with the one from the new one. Make sure to backup beforehand tho'.
It will mean that the whole area is back as it was, including any containers, all the NPCs etc.
You can accomplish it in an even simpler manner: Load the game, leave the given location by exiting to world map or an adjacent location, alt+tab out of Fallout and into Windows (Assuming you're not running the DOS version), then enter the Fallout/data/maps directory and delete the appropriate *.SAV file (their names are ussualy not that difficult to figure out), alt+tab back to Fallout and re-enter the given location. Voila ! this will restore the location to its initial state.
I haven't thought about that yet... Thanx!

*going back to SAD*

The backup - copy your location to another directory, then, after reanimating... never mind, unless it's NPC...