IE problem *** nevermind i found it***

Ugly John

So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Feb-13-03 AT 06:29PM (GMT)]****i found it ok thanks anyway ****

Ok here's the deal i went to this site it's real cute, you have this guy that stands in a box and bangs the sides, and your brwoser moves the same way he bangs that box.

My problem now is that if i start explorer (maximised) it starts where i last closed it where that guy put my browser window. I minimized it's ok, i full-screen, it's ok, if i maximized it it's still off.

I guess that it's some sort of code that tells explorer new coordinates for the borders.

How do i reset it to the original coordinates?

UJ (haven't redone my sig yet)